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Conchita moved in closer and spoke to the Asian Nurse "Let me help you Lamai dear". It looked at Conchita and wondered what was she reaching for. It felt its cock and balls being cupped in Conchita's warm hands. She held them gently in her fingers as she lifted them up a little. The Nurse in black, Shawna, snickered and laughed. Conchita Smirked saying "This probably may be the last time her little prick will be handled by a pretty woman like me......... "

   Lamai the Asian Matron smiled looking up at Conchita and nodded Saying a quick "Thank You". It tried to look and understand at what was happening with Conchita holding on to its cock and balls and the Lamai who had the tube of lube. It moaned in surprise as it suddenly felt something smooth yet wet rubbing and pressing up against its asshole



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