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The Nurse in black....... Shawna, nodded silently. It could feel itself being lifted and carried towards the cart. The soles of it's feet could feel the cold metal as it was gently placed over the trolley and it could feel Shawna's warm hands supporting its body as its back leaned against the cart. One was hand placed firmly over its chest and the other  over its smooth head.

It panicked for a few seconds as it realized it had no hair. Its eyes darted from side to side letting out a low moan as it was still unable to speak let alone move a muscle. The Asian nurse then spoke "Ora.......... Bald girl want to talk, Shawna !" she snickered as she began to fiddle with something on the cart. It began to wonder, maybe it had suffered a serious injury to its head thats probably  why it was shaved and why things weren't making much sense. The Asian nurse then spoke again "Baldie...... not my job to hurt you, so you not worry.... okay ? " she giggled as she began to push something towards its left.




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