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Sorry for being not being able to post this weeks Updates Sooner. My Mother was  critical condition in the hospital for the past few weeks. Its still not looking good...

I have rendered quite a few Images will be posting them tonight , After some Photoshop edits.


Garfield Cat

That is terrible news. I wish her all the best and a swift recovery. Hold on tight.


Devote your time to your mother as much as she needs. If updates are delayed, we will get them later, don't worry about us. Tale care and good luck.


Hope all the best to your mother, mate!


We support you and aren't going anywhere! Wishing your mother a speedy recovery.


All the bets mate, hope everything is ok.


Take care and do whatever you need to do. Updates can wait. Best wishes to all.


Of course put coming first health with your mother care first don't rush it as take your time be well with your mother take care get well soon.x x I do understood of course x


Take care and best wishes to you and your mother



Paulo Post

My best wishes!


It's been a long time you posted. I hope everything is good with you, but my fears are the silence suggests it might not be the case. :-( Please just post - dones't have to be a render, just a short message Take care and all the best.


I hope your mother is better. All the best.


Mate, what happened???


Zaz, please, it has been over a month since your last message. Just post a word - even if just to say, you are not in the mood or have no means to create. But without any communication, it's hard to stay a supporter. :-(


Hey boys and girls: Zaz has responsibilities! Please be patient and understanding. There's more than enough past product to keep us all entertained.

Tom H

Any news? Been almost two months since his last post.


How was your mom being well? I prayer for your mom get better soon and you alright? X


Hi Zaz, can you tell us when you will start posting again? Thanks


I am wondering if you are even around any more. I realize family illness can take it toll on many things, but at least some of us would like to know that you still exist or is our funding going to something else


Yhank you

Tom H

"Yhank you"? Have you heard from ZAZ? I am on the verge of leaving unless we hear SOMETHING.


Yep, ok I'm done, I think the worst thing about this is how understanding and supportive everyone was at the outset and to just be completely ignored. I can totally understand stuff happening, it's life, but not so much as a "hey sry for not posting, -tentative schedule- please bear with me, etc." in fast-approaching 3 months?!? No.


Hey, did you actually hear from Zaz? If you did can you please share any info with us? Like others I’m about ready to give up and stop being a patron unless I’m assured that he’s going to start posting again...and


I few months of paying very little is hardly much of a hassle for us. We just appreciate the awesome content you've made. Take care :)

Tom H

I'm gone too for the reasons stated above.


Sorry for your personal Situation, but after 3 months silence its enough. If you are back again, maybe i join you again. bye.


I hope things will work out for you. Like other people above, I will be going, but I will get back when you're back online.

Putte Andersson

I say the same as PlaceboX do...If you want us to stay u better peoduce more stuff in here..Now it feels i pay for nothing...


I just rejoined you on Patreon, but I see you haven’t updated Patreon sense February, whats up?


When my renewal comes up I will censual.


If no new content or news I will also cancel end of August.


Geting took again. I see there hasn't been any updates sense February 2018 whats up? Pateron need to drop ZAZ for taking money and not producing work.