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Monday Updates(Femsub)

Destiny growled as she saw even more tears roll down Chelsea’s cheeks.... “It seems you have failed to understand what I meant by PERMANENT” Destiny reached for the Laser Hair removal tool again. And slowly began to work on Chelsea's eyebrows .... She continued “ If you don’t stop those tears, I wont stop at just ridding you of your Pretty brows... The next time I will go for some Fleshy Bits ! ”  She Said in an angry tone.

Chelsea Squealed as she could feel her brows slowly being removed from their roots with the laser. She tried to stop crying by calming herself down. She moaned as she closed her eyes thinking about her current state , She only knew a little bit what had been done to her so far  and wondered how she looked.  All she knew was that she was being turned into some sort of freak.

Destiny had finished with her Eyebrows and she slowly put the Laser away.She then spoke “ So ....  just remember if you disobey me hence forth, I will see to it that  you are punished in a permanent way that will serve as reminder for the future....”

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