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Thursday Pending Updates (Femsub)

Your Destiny Continues

Destiny had placed a Make-up kit close to the latex bed. She looked at Chelsea and was lost in deep thought as she analyzed her facial features and what she wanted to accomplish. After all she wanted to Transform her into an appropriate Gothic Pain Slut that would suit her tastes. She scrounged through the box looking for a few Items that would fit the bill.

Chelsea who was still dazed from the piercings knew what was coming.... Its not like she had never put make-up before. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath letting out a soft muffled sigh through the gag. As if she was okay with make-up being applied on her.

Destiny only laughed as she gently Cooed at Chelsea “Well, the first thing I need you to do is to stop those tears rolling down your cheeks. After all this make-up will be permanent. While it would be fun to have that Teary eyed Mascara look  for the rest of your life, its not something I desire.”

Chelsea’s eyes Widened in fear and surprise ....... Permanent , She began to Moan as more tears ran down her cheeks.


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Cliffhanger, what the final look will be? ;-) Btw, sometimes there is strange capitalization in the text


It will Continue, this week again. ummm yea thats my error because when I type I type directly into my software and the font is all caps :S. I will fix the text issues when I buy some pro-fonts. Cheers