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  Monday Updates (TG/Sissy) TBC

The sound of footsteps stopped following which Kimiko spoke “Very good Melanie, I see you have followed my orders  perfectly...... I am quite pleased ” . Melanie responded “Thank you Mistress” . Kimiko continued “ And because you have been a good little submissive , Today..... on your very first session,  you will serve not one , but two goddesses”  Melanie was a bit startled by her words, but she quickly replied “ If it is your desire Goddess” .

As she shivered still looking forward, Melanie then heard the voice of the unknown Person who was with Mistress Kimiko.

“Kimko Darling, how long have you been hiding this little gem from me ” She spoke in a slight Subcontinental accent. Kimiko replied “Well Priyanka, I have known her for sometime now Online and even trained her a little bit. But this the first time I have brought her here”. Priyanka Nodded saying ”she is quite the lucky girl to have us both today ! “ As the two ladies spoke Melanie’s anticipation grew, Goddess Priyanka was right she was very lucky to be here. Kimiko was lovely and she didn't mind serving another Mistress as long as Kimko was there . The two Ladies slowly began to move in front of Melanie .


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