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          Hey Guys just wanted to thank you for all your support, comments and ideas. Its been over 6th months since I started this Patreon Account and it has been great thanks to all of you. I will try to increase on the quality/variety  of my renders and it should only get better from here on. Not to mention the writing Aspect which I will be focusing on soon.

Early Last Month I was diagnosed with Tuberculosis (lungs/chest)https://www.tbfacts.org/tb/

And have been on medications ever since. While TB can be fatal, Its only if   one doesn't take the medication religiously on daily basis. Right now the meds are taking a toll on my health (7 pills a day is new to me) and some side effects due to it. It usually takes about 6-9 months to get completely cured from this disease. I have been allowed to take a leave of absence (Without Pay) from my day job for a few months till I recover.  Since TB is airborne and highly contagious, also the office floor is too crowded and it would be risky for others.

All this doesn't affect the patreon in any way. But I thought I would share it Ya'll since I have to be Isolated for a bit. Also since I don't have a day job now I will have more time to refine my skills and do more.

Without the day job I am still  trying to make ends meet so as to pay the bills. So if anyone needs any commissioned artwork  let me know it would be greatly appreciated. I will look into other things such as Visual novels and maybe even 3D games

Cheers and Thank You All.




Ohh, get well! Whats your commision prices again? For a good thing ;b


Oh jeez. Well good luck! I know it's not fatal but it's not great either.


Thanks :). I will be okay just need to be on the Meds. 1.Try to be as detailed as you can about the description of your commission. Some pics/links as references would be awesome 2.I won't accept commission work if I don't have the required 3D models ( Outfits, Props etc). 3.Your Commission can be kept private if you like, otherwise and add it to my gallery with your name(Commissioned by ........). 4.I accept payment only via paypal before I begin to work on your commission. Paypal fees are NOT included in the final price. 5.I usually Charge 10$-15$ for a single HD resolution (1920 X 1280) 3D image featuring 2 characters from my collection. Images will be Rendered in Nvidia's Iray engine. 6. If there are more characters or you need a detailed scene we can talk and negotiate a price regarding even custom complex artwork. Lets be fair because Custom Modifications take a lot of time so it is quite expensive. But I usually charge less than the pro's and would give some benefits if its a big commission.


Thanks. Its a long slow road to recovery. I should just take my medication I will be okay


Hi Zaz, sorry to hear you are not well. All the best and wishing you a speedy and comfortable recovery.


Thanks , Jake :) . Now I should have more time to work on this full time and get things flowing.

Tom H

" JakeT's post from me.