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Guys, I wanted to try something new. And would love some feed back. As mentioned before I was looking to for better ways to make a story more interesting and involving, One of the ways was to try to make a Visual Novel that uses my Renders. 

This is a small demo (for Windows)I made in about 2 days. It its Femdom Oriented as per the story/text written by Irene Clearmont. You can have a look at her website.


Key Notes regarding the demo

1. This was very quick work ( It took me like about 10 hours) I just started using the software on Saturday. I will definitely put scenes like how I do for my normal renders.

2. The music is pretty lame and I can do better , I just picked a few out of youtube. Same with the sound effects.

3. There is a lot I can do, but this is a low priced game engine and software with not many options. ( Have used the default stuff like main menu, fonts, rendered Images are all quick etc ) Yet to explore all features.

4. This is for windows, but I can make android/ios/mac versions too

It can be fun to read while travelling and it does help enhance a novel to some degree especially in the visual department

Would love Some feedback





Windows won't allow me to open it. Also it was automatically scanned by AVG; then submitted to AVG for further check. This was done by my AVG anti-virus program..not me


It maybe because its from an untrusted source. AVG will automatically block it. But its a normal game application like any other that I assure you. You may need to add the .exe to avg's exclusion list.


no, i have to buy the app now to open it...$6.99 US


Somethings not right, In the Visual Novel Demo Folder there should be a G1.exe file all you need to do is click that and the game should play. Are you using windows 10 ?.


Would love a Mac version....


Actually - never mind - you can run it on a Mac with an app called WineBottler.


it works for me.....didn't download properly.ok now...thx


Love it, a few corrections: It's Peitsche, not Pietsche (you have it correct later) und it would be "Herr Darling" not "Herrn Darling".


Thanks , I will relay this to the writer. I will see what happens. We may continue with this one or choose a better one.


I liked the demo, just think that was too much text.


Yea its a visual novel, I just started experimenting this last month , I am looking for more RPG'ish elements soon, Sometime Mid next month I should have it ready. Cheers