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My Patreon Will Continue

First I'd would like to thank all of y'all for supporting me , And also the messages y'all sent me during this month. As you pretty much guessed I have returned to my day job as well. So I am trying to balance out my time accordingly. 

I will still try to get out the 40 exclusive images weekly as promised and also try my best to get out 3 images a day if I can. I will be focusing more on quality like One really good solid scene. And multiple camera angles for that particular scene. Sometimes it can be tough especially with my day job

The Only Change is that I will be taking the Sunday Off Weekly .  I think working like this would take toll on my health eventually. So until I reach a decent amount with patrons and commissioned artwork,  I will work the day job too.  Working the other job will also help me to support my family and upgrade my system to better hardware

Once again, thank you for Your support I will only get better at my Digital Renders. Also I am working on another Game Dev Project with a team. And in that you will see some of the stuff I am really good at and experienced in.





Hi Zaz, this is great news. It's encouraging to see your Patreon growing in popularity every week. You've got heaps of talent so excited to see that you are able to continue.