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This maybe my last month on Patreon. I won't be able to do this full time much longer. I am unable to catch up with my bill payments. And its getting harder each day.  I think I am personally doing okay for a New 3D Artist , but I am really short on time and need get back to a normal job to support my family.

I may switch to a 1$ donation pool more (like buy me a beer concept ) and post some patreon exclusive images monthly and the rest would be free stuff or maybe sold on Renderotica ( I don't want to sell thats why I was on patreon) . 

This month I will focus on "The Institute" and " Castle Cruciatu" More so it will get done. And Twisted Arena . The schedule would remain the same as the month of May.

Since Payments are charged pm the 1st of every month , and patrons pay for previous content. This month payment mostly likely would be optional . So please stay till the end of the month ( atleast 30th ) and you will get my content .

I will be providing a google drive link for Patrons who have paid and supported me in the last months. It will have All my content in there up to date

I really wish I could continue this full time but I will be on the streets if I do.

Thank you for all your support its been really nice with comments and likes and suggestions.





i take it that there will be an update on your plans as they develop and we close to the end of the month?


iam really sad about this news. You have great potencial. But i told you that you shouldnt overwork! Its not easy to get new patreons in nsfw sector because its hidden. I wish you restore fast and chill a bit and find your creative way :)


Thanks, and I mayl keep the patreon open but more like a 1$ tip jar and keep posting a decent amount of Exclusives images a month for the Tippers. I will get better in time and learn some newer techniques.


There will definitely be one update on the 15th of this month in case there are any changes. The patreon may remain open though as 1$ tip jar and will post a decent amount of exclusive images.


a real pity

Tom H

Sorry to hear this. Your stuff is great. If you are planning to accept commissions from Patron Members, put me on the list!


I wont stop creating stuff, it will just be at a slower pace is all. I will let you know Tom Thanks for the support.