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TG/Sissy Saturday(Catch Up)

              As Shawna slammed the door shut, the room was again filled with faint moaning sounds coming from the both of them. The Captives were forced to watch their own reflection in the mirror in front of them. Their little cocks twitched in their cages as the drugs kept them in a constant state of arousal. They look at each other through the mirrors reflection from time to time, moaning in pleasure and discomfort. They felt humiliated at their own plight  but at the same time were aroused at their own modified bodies. There was a good reason they were put here............

Room 305 was a special place at The Institute, all freshly modified and transformed captives were brought to this room first. It came to be known as the  'Room Of Reflection'.  Abducted Victims were brought to this room after their Surgery and placed in front of the mirror bound and gagged on the transport trolley for quite a few hours. It was one of the many ways in which The Institute staff used to break the will of their Captives. It brought about a very strong feeling of helplessness and despair to the fresh captives. It had psychological effect of knowing they would possibly never return to living a normal life again and it made them abandon all or some hope of escaping from this prison.




Love the idea of this! Forcing to see their new bodies in the mirror for hours.


Awesome yay its me baldslut x x


yes Zaz master sir i love it