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                      Miss. Stone stepped aside slowly as Shawna began to push the transport trolley. It moaned as the cart began to move and vibrate the dildo lodged up its tight asshole. Conchita and Lamai waived goodbye to the new trainee. They knew would definitely be seeing her sometime later depending on their shifts. 

     As it was slowly carted out of the room...... It still was trying to analyse the situation it was in, But the drugs and stimulants constantly kept it light headed,dizzy and in a trance.  All it knew that it was a prisoner here in this facility and currently it be would impossible to escape. The frustration of being naked, bound, gagged and chastised in such a manner, made it even more horny. Being transported like some kind of animal added to all of this. It groaned as its little erect penis twitched and constantly pressed up against the insides of the little chastity cage. A new sensation arose from its balls as if they were on fire ....... while it wasn't as painful, it was certainly causing it some discomfort.  

          As the sedatives effect were slowly fading away.... It also wondered why its nipples were hard and constantly tingled also its chest felt heavy as hell....... It tried to look down but its view was restricted by the steel clamp keeping its neck held up high.



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