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The Power is back and I'm Ready to Post

 TG/Sissy Tuesday 

(There is an Alternate Image for this with Steel too, Will post in sometime, will let my patrons decide which one it must wear)                     

                    It could only whimper in pain through its gag as the needle was slowly pulled out of its now heavy and aching balls. What the hell was going? What were they doing to it?. Crazy thoughts ran through its head. It clenched its asshole around the large plug and moaned even louder hoping to get a response from the women around it. The Nurses ignored it completely, Lamai had already released her hold from its limp cock. Suddenly It could feel someones warm breath close to its left ear.

                   It heard Miss Stone's Voice as she whispered to it "I bet you have no idea what the fuck is going on ....... Right ?. In time you will find out my little Prized Pig......" She teased it further as she blew wisps of warm air into its ear driving it more crazy. It could feel its little penis twitch up and down brushing against its own balls. The area around its groin quickly warmed up and It felt as if it was getting an erection, but it couldn't quite tell. Miss. Stone took a peek at its cock then spoke "That was quick......We can't have that" And she dangled something shiny it front of its eyes, It strained its vision looking at the shiny device, It groaned loudly as it recognized what it was...........  




Will make a one image with this one for ya :). In another pic