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                             Before the dungeon keeper could even knock on the door, a sensual voice called out to them "Come inside right now....... you have kept me waiting long enough......." The dungeon keeper grunted and pushed the door open in silence, leading the naked elf into the room. The elf trudged along hesitantly and looking around she realized this was a small Throne Room. She could see a nude figure sitting on the throne with her head down.  As they approached the throne, the elf was forced down to her knees, her jaw dropped as the Naked figure slowly raised her head, looking at the two of them........The elf realized it was the Empress herself.

The dungeon keeper bowed her head low and croaked in an apologetic tone "Sorry to keep you waiting, Your Highness......It took me quite a while to find an unspoiled toy for you..... this one is all I could find" The Empress shrugged and spoke "This little petty thief ????,  Are there no men in any of our dungeons".  The Keeper replied "Only Traitors to the Kingdom, Your Highness. those who have been condemned to the Arena, Personally by yourself" The Empress rolled her eyes and replied " Fine, Fine this one will do then" Letting out a sigh......



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