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      Miss Stone whispered something to Conshita, she nodded in silence and reached into her pocket.  She pulled out a syringe loaded with some kind of clear serum inside. She looked at Lamai and spoke in a soft tone "Please help me Lamai Dear,  I will be administering a shot to her before we proceed with her chastisement".  It moaned in panic as it saw the loaded syringe in Conchita's hand. It thought these people were insane, it already knew it had been heavily sedated not to mention the aphrodisiac making it go crazy and now this. It could feel Lamai grip the tip of its penis with her latex gloves.... the very same gloves with which she smeared the aphrodisiac ointment all over the plug. It could feel the head of its limp penis warming up slowly, it rolled its eyes in pleasure as it also felt its balls being cupped at the same time.... only to howl through the gag as it suddenly felt the sharp pain from the syringe needle and could feel something being injected into both of its testicles one at a time slowly......



The RubberMansion

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm... this is such a hot story... would love to be able to have it on a folder side by side <3