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Regarding "The Institute" It will be taking a new direction after a few panels. It will veer more towards Castle Cruciatu style of presentation and style, rather than focus on a single character. I will take the help of a writer in this regard if need be.

I have managed to get some Adult Game Development time included and balance my schedule accordingly. 

The Patreon is doing okay so far ( and I thank you all for your support ) But I still need to work on extra/other projects in order to be doing this Full time, Currently I wont be able pay the bills. Depending on the pledge amount by this month end.  I will inform ya'll of my intentions for the future. And compensate if necessary.

I am making my Earnings visible for all to see as well

Femsub Friday is today and will post accordingly in the evening.





I think you want it too fast, you are not very long on Patreon 54 people isnt bad. And i think you overwork yourself, the promised 3 Images per day are too much. You should promise maybe only 1, you can try 3 Images a day same but you can definitly hold your call. Your work is great and iam very impressed that you can make this amount of content is this short time. I think because that your pictures looking more sterile (specially in last days). There is something missing, but i dont know what . Aside Questions: Whats that game your working on? Whats your fetish?


Yea, its a bit too early to decide but lets see how it goes. I am doing better as far as New 3D Content Artist are concerned ...., 3 images I can manage at times depending on my work load on other projects (It would work the best, If patreon was the only thing I did). Thanks :) . Yea its a little burning out at times and I don't mind doing it as long as I can pay my bills ^^. About "something missing" , I'm not too sure either , but my render styles are certainly different from Veteran 3D Artists in a side by side comparison , It could be the newer engine I use or sometimes people prefer the semi-cartoonish style even for 3D, Or even small details , text and so forth. I have still a long way to go though in certain things . Cheers


Yea , I kinda understand with the Institute MC there in particular, it was a bad character choice perhaps its because Imagined it to be a more doll'ish smoother type . Lets see if I can add some muscle lines and pores for future characters.


I might be bias, but I've been realyl hapy with the amount of content you have been churning out and really hope you hit your goal. Like the above poster said, it does take time for Patreon's to gain momentum. All it takes is someone to see one of your images that they like and they'll be hooked! It may even be worth opening up another tier, I would be more than happy to do 5$ a month given the amount and quality of content thats been coming out. I guess yoo'll have to decide what they tier would have as an addition to the $3 tier...


Thank you , Jake for the Comment :) , Will check and see how it goes for now. Will work on the side gaming project too. That would be the one I would invest more time into later on because what ever I make for my renders would end up in the game as a wearable anyways so it should be fine. Some really niche commissions are coming my way so might delve into them too..... really really niche >< ( no not underage) but I need to start doing some paid commissions at some point to get me going. Cheers