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  Text by Patron - Jake T (JT)  

The last thing Zoe remembered before she woke up in the cage was a hand around her face and a sharp metal stab in her neck. She groggily returned to conscious to the rocking motion of truck, but instantly knew that she should not have been there. For one thing, she was not sitting or lying down, but kneeling in a painful position with her arms pulled back behind her. She tried to call out, and shook her head in shock when she realized something big and firm like plastic or rubber was fixed behind her teeth. With the drugs worn off, Her nude body aching from every bump and jolt. she guessed she had traveled in the truck for about 8 hours before the cage movement changed to a smoother ride and ended its journey here. Blinded, her other sense were heightened and she could here moans, sobs and smells indicated that she was surrounded by many other women in a similar predicament to her.





This is looking great! That mistress outfit is hot!


wanna be one of the slaves, the cage is so strict.


Definitely needs to be strict cant have you making noise or a mess in the cage while being transported. Cheers