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I hope you guys love dialogue! Lots and lots of dialogue. Only one more page of this flashback left after this and we'll get back into the present day portion of the story, woo! I've been thinking lately that I would like to print a Willem book, maybe of the first 150 pages of the series. What do you guys think? If I run a Kickstarter campaign, it would have to be a higher goal amount since printing color books would be a lot more pricey than printing black and white books (like Split Screen). I'd plan to update some of the older art and word balloons and include some book extras. Right now I am trying to gauge the interest, so let me know what you guys think and also if you have any ideas for extras or anything else you'd like to see in the book. Thanks! :) Devil Spy will be late this week, I am recovering from a long convention weekend. Hopefully it wont be too late! :)



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