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Unfortunately I'll be unable to open commissions tomorrow as planned.

Next Commission Opening: Sunday, 7/17/2022

I've also been reading all your exit surveys. It seems there's a lot of frustration with the lack of commission openings. I do apologize for the lack of availability. I'm considering moving commissions off of Patreon as I never want to leave anyone disappointed. This Patreon was made for the pre-made stickers, and moving commissions onto here may have been a mistake. I don't think having a paywall is a correct way to go about commissions as it leaves many frustrated. 

If you have any thoughts/critiques of patreon openings, let me know! I'm always open to your ideas and suggestions as well. If there are any platforms that work well for commissions, I'd love to hear them! So far I've been looking into Kofi, and I think it's very promising. Feel free to comment or DM any thoughts/ideas, I take them all into consideration.


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