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it all began, a few minutes ago.

I wanted to be more productive, so i was going to make the only thing on the iPad home screen be the clip studio icon.

Trying to remember how to move icons, I held down on the clip studio icon. 

After selecting the app, my tired brain assumed the option to "Delete app" meant "Remove Icon" It only took milliseconds to realize my horrible mistake. There was no confirmation, no undo.

Straight up just deleted clip studio. 

"No problem!", i thought, "maybe clip studio backed up all my settings to the account"

Nope. gone. all gone. all the presets, auto-actions, all of your characters' color palettes, brushes - gone.

"that sucks, but no problem!" i thought, "I can just reset all that up" - until I realized that any files that were inside the Clip Studio folder were also gone. all your commission files. all the patreon files - gone.

Nothing shows up in "Recently deleted files"


Fortunately, i believe i have everything up to april backed up, but i've lost everything from may till now. So i'll be spending the rest of today seeing if I can recover deleted files from the ipad, and if not then i'll just redoing current commissions.

So pro-tip, learn from my mistake. Do not save any files in an app's designated folder on iOS, save everything in an outside folder in case of accidental deletion. 


The default and bad location: Locations > On My Ipad > "Clip Studio" > Files

Better and wiser location: Locations > On My Ipad > "Create-a-New-Folder" > Files

gl & i hope u all are having a better day! peeace


Emerald McCormick

I'm sorry this happened Pulex. Hope you can recover your files


Wow I would be tilted out of my mind if this happened to me, I hope you're able to stay sane while you deal with this


Losing files sucks, I hope you are able to get that back soon ❤️

Giza White Mage

Oh man, that sucks! I don't know how feasible it is, but if there's an easy way to get your files into DropBox on an iPad, that might be an option as well.


Oh gosh Ive had something similar happen. My heart breaks for you. Stay positive. Itll be ok. We all understand.


Open a support ticket with apple and or the application's support and see if there's any way to recover uninstalled files.


Your best bet is a restore point via itunes if you regularly sync your ipad to itunes on a machine or to the cloud. itunes, icloud


Nooooo that’s awful! I hope you can recover stuff 😣


Thank, i hope so too. luckily most of everything commissioned from may has been emailed so I can recover from there if needed!


the shock, the stages of grief, the internal disappointment in myself, but it'll all be fine! Most of the files can be recovered through email and I needed to recreate a more efficient workspace in clip studio anyway. only thing to do is make the best out of it!


thanks! most can be recovered through email I think! So that's a good fallback if recover software can't find anything!


I had to uninstall dropbox from my ipad a long while back, I think just at the time there was something buggy, but I'm really kicking myself now for not reinstalling it haha


Awh man, hope you were able to recover everything! The shock and panic and grief haha. Fortunately I think I can recover most of the completed files through email if recovery software doesn't work! Hardest part is just redrawing the ones that were almost completed but weren't backed up in any way. I definitely appreciate your kind words! Ur always an inspiration!


Unfortunately I never set up any kind of restore point. But I am able to recover completed files that were sent via email so it's not a total loss!


thanks stripes, I think i can get most of it back through email! at least the completed files!


Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine imagine heartbreak that must've caused. I hope you're able to recover most of what you need, and I hope you'll be able to set up even better than before! Don't be too hard on yourself, accidents happen 💙


options: Redo Everything - or - Start New Life. might start new life, start fresh, start free


Oh no! Sending all the ❤️ I can. Awful way to learn things weren't backing up correctly


Thanks for the kind words Chirpy! Definitely a good opportunity for a more efficient set up and most of the completed files should be recoverable via email! I've already made new save locations and will be more cautious about moving app icons in the future lol!


Thanks for all the ❤️ kylur! Haha I've already taken steps to ensure that this doesn't happen again and will be creating more frequent backups!


Have you tried restoring your iPad from an iCloud backup? That should have everything