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Audrey fantasizing about being a better kaiju than her cousin.


Audry is dreaming of being the titanic tubby Kaiju she's always dreamed to be...

Meanwhile her titanic self is just passed out in bed. How would you like to snuggle up with her in bed. Where would you try to snuggle up?

Also it appears SOMETHING is out the window... uh oh...




Ya know what? Maybe it's just my love of potentially really goofy scenarios, but I feel like Audry would actually get along great with Binky and Fufu. Both of them have problems with their families, and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to try and help Audry become a Kaiju (one that they probably intend to control somehow because they strike me as being very competent baddies who would try to get the most out of the deal without it biting them in the ass).

Killer Vossler

Audry large ambitions of being a Kiaju are as titanic as her fat self, maybe she will get to be a Kiaju one day... when pig fly and she less of a ass (and there is a lot of ass) but she should worry about Binky & Fufu eyeing her up as there next target for want evil kinky plans they have.


Audry and Kitten are definitely the most villainous of the main cast. I could DEFINITELY see Audry getting along with Binky and Fufu and wanting to help with their world domination XD And yeah, they are very silly buns all things considered, but they are rather competent. As far as things go for a mostly comedy based fetish series anyway XD. And it fits with Audry being the type to get herself in over her head a lot of times.


Her dreams of being big are what led to her being so damn fat these days. Maybe one day she WILL be a kaiju... but I feel that will be everyone else's problem... XD