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The Next Katrina comic is underway and it's taking quite a bit of time to complete, this is for two reasons....

The first and most unfortunate reason is that as I've said before, I'm really getting burnt out on these Katrina comics. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love drawing her constantly stuffing herself and stuff, but really the repetitiveness of the comics is getting old. On every comic I do I find myself drawing the same old poses and the same sort of scenarios each time, and I have to really push to do something unique and different with each one. This is the most fun I have with it, however it's also the most trouble for me as I have to drag it out panel after panel, and lately with each Katrina comic I'm getting more and more tired of doing it, and it sucks because they're really fun and popular for you guys.

I have tried to do some things to change it up, such as the Halloween Ghost story I did with Katrina which was for me, my favorite story I've done, however it wasn't well received, as it didn't have the same stuffing/weight gain substance I usually had, And though some of you really liked it, it really didn't pay off the work I put into it unfortunately. That being said, I may take a hiatus from these Katrina comics for a while until I get my steam and love for it back, as if I don't I fear I may grow to dislike doing them and I really don't want that to be the case. This means in place of the Katrina comics I'll be doing some other event involving her stuffing herself, most likely like the Shark week that I did with images and small stories posted through the days, the Katrina exercise pics I did, and stuffing events similar in image progression to the hammock one (Though without the fund raiser part), or maybe post some comics that take less time and exhaustion to complete. Once the comic is out, I'll specify more and see what everyone wants.

The second reason it's taking a while, is that because it may be the last Katrina comic for a little while, I'm making it the BIGGEST comic I've done for her yet. As most of them are anywhere from 6-9 pages, this one will be 16 pages long and have multiple stuffing events and multiple characters. I have also decided against my previous statement, and I am completely coloring this one and not releasing it in Black and White, or as sketches as I feel it will be the best way to present the biggest project with this silly little series I've had.

That being said, there is a question I'd like to extend to you guys. Do you want me to wait and post the entire comic as I finish each page, or wait until the whole thing is done and post them all at once. If I do the former, I'll post a Katrina comic page as soon as it's done, while for the other it may be a little while before I post all of the pages. If I get no input on this within a few days, I'll decide one of them on my own!


Tory Williams

Sad to see that you're getting so burnt out on them, they're my absolute favorite thing of mine you do. Super thrilled that they're all going to be colored though after all! But if this might be the finale, you have to release all of these pages at the same time they're all finished, go out with a gigantic bang! It'll be worth the wait!


yeah, it sucks, but I'm not good at dealing with repetition, I have to change things up, and sometimes drastically to stay interested, and when it comes to comics I prefer one that's completely driven based on story with a little bit of sexy than vice versa. And That's what I was thinking too, posting them all at once would be good as it wouldn't make you wait to see what happens really lol. We'll see if anyone else weighs in on this too and go from there XD.


heh, either works for me, the whole thing at once or one page at a time is good for me, as for getting burnt out on katrina comics, maybe it's time to take a look at your other characters and make a long story that'll last you a few months ^^ you gotta remember katrina isn't your only character, even if she's the one getting the biggest, there's probably lot of other things you can do with the others :)

Tory Williams

Just curious, will there be an announcement on deviant when it's done and when it will be posted?


If given the choice, I'd say just post it all at once; and if you're feeling burnt out on doing the "same-old" thing for Katrina, have you considered doing other types of expansion as well? :? Like for instance, Katrina is a mom, right? Have you ever considered doing some pregnancy-related stuff with her? Maybe even showing how her various pregnancies went with her kids?


If given the choice, I'd say just post it all at once; and if you're feeling burnt out on doing the "same-old" thing for Katrina, have you considered doing other types of expansion as well? :? Like for instance, Katrina is a mom, right? Have you ever considered doing some pregnancy-related stuff with her? Maybe even showing how her various pregnancies went with her kids?


Anyway, just a thought and I look forward to seeing how this latest comic goes. :) Also, sorry for the double-post. My bad. ^_^;


It's not Katrina that I'm burnt out on, really the stuffing comics in general are what's doing it lol. And like I said it's just the hassle of doing it as a comic that's causing me grief. And the only problem is that she's really my only character I do this with XD, there aren't many other characters (Other than Scarlet now) That I often have stuff themselves like this. I'm sure I'll do something though, maybe making up a whole new character just for some sort of stuffing scenario could be fun.


I suppose I could try that but really it'll end up being just a round belly getting bigger again lol. And it's really just the comic format that's getting old for stuffing/expansion. I'm still down for doing pictures or progression sequences and stuff with stories. But really if pregnancy is something that more people would want to see I could probably fit it in pretty easily!