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Hello everyone! It's that time again! A little later than usual because I was having trouble coming up with an actual theme for this month's prompt, so this month is gonna be a wee bit different than usual.

This month is a wild card. Post whatever ideas you have! Anything you've wanted to see me make and we'll see what sort of wild ideas come out of this!

Suggest anything ya want, any theme, horror, sexy, anything! I'll see what can be done! Not all of them will be selected of course, but I'm sure we'll get some interesting ideas. XD

Hell, suggest some vague stuff or even re-dos of old pics if ya want! Go WILD!



Ooh, whatever we want eh? Well I've always wanted to see more Slither style sphere pregging from you, how about a loli of your choice getting the Brenda treatment~?


I’d love to see Jinx from Leaguebof Legends in your style, fattened up of course. Perhaps some more shortstacks yordles too, since there’s a new one called Vex coming soon


Remember that living plush toy you made back in October, Fatty Patty I think was her name? Well what if she discovers a shop like Build-A-Bear workshop? It'd be fun to see the end result of that, though I imagine she'll either end up really fat or she'll just eat until she explodes. Or both.


One of my all time fav pieces of yours was this https://www.deviantart.com/darkmastern/art/Katrina-Week-IV-27-World-Eater-II-604502757 and I was thinking what if it had the re-do treatment? Or maybe a continuation with Shaarli having gone past her limit and dealing with an upset tummy, with katrina doing her best to soothe and comfort the overstuffed pup in more ways than one, if you catch my drift! I absolutely love how you made her look so full and fattened but still wanting more, and the accompanying story has made this one of my all time favorites of any stuffed art all these years later!


How about a bunch of Shaarli pictures, where she goes on a vacation and it's just an endless buffet

Alex Rodd

I would love to see all the girls from Eiken (or at least Komoe and Kyoko) transformed into cow girls, with Kirika using the transformation as a change to promote/raise money for the club, the girls dressed in skimpy outfit, lactating/leaking milk. Maybe even offering services such as sell their milk, or even offering to drink them directly from the tap. Like in this one: https://www.deviantart.com/darkmastern/art/PATREON-Warranyaverse-More-Milkies-882705933 The girls being horny, because of the transformation, wanting the attention.

Killer Vossler

I got a few ideas . 1. Megan trying out a new piece of candy called The Mother OF Sweets (just a magic chocolate with 10 tons of surgery gooey goodness) which make her go into Super Megeon out of pleasure wanting more. 2. Kassandra Jezebaal meeting Katrina trying loss weight (failing) and temps her (not hard) to have a cheat day and becoming super-sized stuffed fatty. 3. Audry, Megan & Bunny Belle finding a magical deck of fetishes and pulled out a few cards. 4. Capri after the success of her stuffing video (JanFeb Rewards 17) and fans request. Capri try’s the Super-Size Me challenge for her next video which is eating these 4 items 20 stack XXXL Burger, 10 pizzas stacked together (pizza cake), 2 Ton layered Cake, 20L Size Milkshack. 5. Warranyn trying on her new Nat 20 T-shirt she bought online from Desire (shop with magic/cursed stuff). And grows huge breasts and enjoying the results goes to buy more stuff.


any ideas eh~~~? 1st: The aftermath of Nitros doing the cucumber/pickle-behind-the-unaware-cat thing on Katrina 2nd: Just a random potato in the middle of a field of gore..so adventurers think it is a legit magic/demonic item...na, just a potato bro~~ xD 3rd: With Chardybis being announced for smite, and almost looking akin to a sibling of Scylla's..why not a follow up to the Jormungandr x Scylla img? what kind? Who knows..meybe Sissy Chardy teases her, is jealous, or wondering HOW DA FUQ SHE SO BIG AND NOT POPPING!? xD...that or we see the offspring 4th: A update to the reallllly old img of Yami's bike? 5th: Around that same time..Harminos now takes his rage out on some other fastfood place for screwing up his order? xD 6th: Another round of jobs katrina hasn't somehow tried yet 7: Katrina trying to throw her name/fame behind a all-you-can-eat-buffet...but they have to close their doors early on day 1...not because the volume of customers...but because she was insistent on trying everything to ensure it was good for them~! xD 8: Maybe as a kinda,'If it is so easy why don't YOU try it!?' Scenario, any of your cast doing things that one of their friends/family/loved ones do on the reg and get teased for....So like Katrina forcing/getting Nitros to try eating as much as she does, in turn she...i dunno...does whatever Nitros does? Does perving count? xD 9: A chicken with a M32...why? Don't ask, it might shoot. 10: Nitros as the Titanic and Katrina as the Iceberg..why? I dunno, it sounded good in my head then i decided to type it...and left it


I would love to see a "Massive" return of Jellybean's Gang with Jellybean, Bunny and Megan teamed up in "All You Can Eating Stuffing Contest" against Audry, Callilope and Lethia. All them totally stuffed, near to bursting, with puffy cheeks stuffed full of food and surrounded by piles of fatty foods. https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-rewards-44823243


Remember those Raspberryl VS Etna pictures from May? Perhaps a part 3 where one/both of them burst?


Ae you certain a few of the girls wouldn't have already popped by the time it got to that point?


So anything goes (within reason) ? Alrighty then: - My characters Péché Mignon (https://imgur.com/a/aKBSepc) and Ms Morsel (https://imgur.com/a/sWRIwbi) interacting with your Kassandra with the latter literally biting more than she can chew as she dared to eat everything on Péché's menu ... which ends with a hefty bill, a way past full belly and the chef and her familiar bringing a congratulatory cupcake for her trouble. -Kat starting a plus size idol career with Des and Lyte as her fellow idols. - A maze of mirrors where distorted reflections are tracking you until the exit. - Keiko and Laila re-enacting scenes from the videoclip for "Somebody's watching me" by Rockwell. - Magane from re:creators and Toga from MHA being psycho buddies.


Hmm, how about something based on this short sentence? Form of chosen execution: last meal.


My comments keep deleting themselves. Sorry if you keep seeing this reposted. A meatys tv ad that hypnotizes people A shady dating site from another dimension that mysteriously shows up on the computers of people longing for companionship, recommending profiles of alien women for viewers. In our case, fatties and feeders! (Ideally the site would have a similar poor earth mimicry like meatys. Also for clarification the alien girl(s) are in fact head over heels in love with the site users, though whether or not the feeling is mutual is up to you. A sequel to the SAA meatys crossover where Laila has made keiko parasite free but isn’t helping her with her meat cravings because she thinks it’s funny. Now she’s bigger than her sister. Her friends are commenting on the food she’s addicting eating and the other changes she’s been going through. A cute/creepy fat girl who has a split personality. Whether both of them are creepy or one of them is normal is up to you. There should be a half and half theme for her. A meatys version of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory with some original girls as the tourists. Each having experienced a unique way of being fattened up. One of which is being inflated by grease, resulting in a cartoonish water balloon body. A typical dark fairytale where Victoria meets a fattening fate for her hubris. The catch is she can’t die, be left brain dead or her mind being totally broken. A burger child that has a higher level of sentience than her other kind in the same way Laila is above other shoggoths. Unlike Laila though she likes humans TOO much. Could probably wear a cute waitress outfit. My spider girl scarlet in any situation you want. I’m curious to see what you’d want to do with her. Cyber imps of varying weights causing havoc in an electronics store. Eva becomes reality’s dungeon master and can alter it like one. The warranya girls guide to being a phat bitch. Laila decides keikos lack of usefulness makes her more suitable as a pet than a servant and alters her dna to make her body and to some extent her mind more suitable for the role. Despite being so short Pearl she views herself as big based on how fat she got and does a music video to commemorate it. (Could be done to the tune of an off the hook song) An original oc to take the place of bully Katrina since loli Katrina is already her high school self. She could still be the same size but with super chubby arms and cheeks. Sapherith doing some solo fatassery. Or at least solo in the sense that it doesn’t involve her mother for a change. Since morrigan is now in the warranyaverse the bully groups new short stack could be a changling of a shy geeky girl who they picked on. Seeing this fatter and meaner version of her they think “when did that loser get so cool… we should hang out!”

draco flame

alright got a few. 1. the kapa trying to steal the soul but the ass being too fat for it to do so. 2.that streamer girl ghost (can't remember her name, sorry) possessing jellybean and pushing her right up to her limit. 3.jellybean and her gang going to an all you can eat buffet, and really putting the name to good use. 4.jellybean and short stack Katrina having a twerk off. 5. midna crushing a poor wolf link trying to carry her. 6. thicc dragon girl demanding tribute in the way of food 7.your version of a cacaodeamon 8.shortstack being stuck in a turnstile cause of her ass 9. your version of jormungunder (or some other mythological creature if you already did that) 10. jellybean's gang concurring the behemoth. which is a food item that, much like the chimera, is progressively smaller animals stuffed into larger ones, the only difference being the largest animal is a mammoth ( brought back to life, like the t rex in that one Katrina comic you had). 11. jellybean and tanwan having a wholesome moment. 12. i forget their names but the immortal redneck sisters meeting jellybean and tanwan. 13. tali from mass effect but with massive hips and ass, with her saying the "those are just my hips quote" 14. the aftermath of keico being trapped with Layla in a meatys and keico being forced to eat the food with layla constantly removing the parasites until they get out. 15. keico encountering an alien and said alien being confused by her reaction. 16. a twerk off with all your characters that qualify 17. Katrina and sharlii having a wholesome moment 18. your take on a resident evil monster 19: your take on a pishtaco or other obscure vampire 20: a robot girl that is a server at a restaurant, who has the dishes placed on her large rear as she zips around on little hover ball like feet in order to carry extra meals to people. about all I got, sorry about forgetting some names, or mangling them.


Got a few 1st A slasher killer girl being terrified at the final girl eating another survival whole right in front of her. 2nd Jellybean accidentally eating 3 strips of Wonka's 3 meal gum and having reached the blueberry pie part. 3rd Keiko being trapped in the land of honey and milk trying her best to find a way to leave the place before being immobilised by her own weight from the super fatty food. 4th Tanya Degurechaff letting out a deep belch after stashing away a prisoner in her gut.


A few ideas: A feeder/feedee couple sequence showing the increasingly creative ways the feeder has to come up with in order to feed their feedee as they gradually become bigger, rounder and tighter. Katrina trying to convince a hesitant waiter to get her even more food, and that she's *totally* not full to bursting at all, and that the creaking sound her skin is making is just what her purring sounds like, and that she needed seven chairs since she arrived, etc. Just bring more food! An example of Kassandra underestimating how strong her powers truly are with... messy... consequences.


I remember those, a part 3 of that would also be interesting to see.


Two more ideas: The Gravi-titty girls enjoying the employee discounts on food a bit too much Some of the girls from Kobayashi’s dragon maid


A fallout themed request featuring a gang of three or more girls having joined the other raiders in Nuka world. The unlimited amount unhealthy and addictive soda has turned them into an annoyance amongst the slaves and other raiders, becoming known for their cola addiction, needyness and above all, immense obesity. Because their raiders they should be the meanest, bitchiest, most egotistical assholes you can make. Really have fun with it. (They should also be super messy. I can’t imagine they’d have good table manners) There should be an alt where their Nuka cola bottles are replaced with the glowing variants, quantum, quartz and victory. Giving them different colored glowing bellies like this. https://www.deviantart.com/royaljellysandwich/art/Patreon-Soda-Piper-575108825 They tend to wear these outfits. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/1/16/Raider_Sadist_Armor.png/revision/latest?cb=20101220010654 https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/6ll1gw/of_all_the_armor_in_the_fallout_series_the_female/ https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/e/e0/Raider_paingiver_armor_female.png/revision/latest?cb=20171124203842 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/0/05/Metal_master_armor_female.png/revision/latest?cb=20121123151235 Along with these hair styles https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/e/e8/Fahrenheit.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170223163741 https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/270145677625181766/ https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/b/b0/Vikia.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120416012337


Those lesbian girls who normally feed Katrina but instead they’re the ones who have turned into total lazy fat ass gluttons and can’t stop themselves. Something slob related, not just in terms of messy eating but more like when those two girls mentioned how gross Katrina was when she refused to do anything but play her ps6. Capri being fat enough that she can barely waddle and is once again in front of the camera trying to act dirty for the audience but instead of eating (mostly) she’s showing off just how big and helpless she is. Doris being the one with a fat belly for a change.


How about a return of the Yandere gal from last October. Now having gotten so big that her blubber will always be in sight of her senpai


Wanted to post real quick that I actually have drawn my take on a Pishtaco, which is the only reason I didn't pick that option this month. https://www.deviantart.com/darkmastern/art/Spooptober-14-Vampire-768358959

draco flame

I thought you did, I just wasn't sure. As it is the ones you did from the list so far are awesome.