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It's June and I'm still riding that Godzilla Vs. Kong hype. So that being said it's Kaijune!

Suggest any and all Kaiju themed ideas! They can be general kaiju ideas, horror stuff, fetish stuff, anything Kaiju based!

Maybe Super Megeon can get some love~ XD


Aaron Glaser

I got one! Ms. Shizuka rocking her half-serpent form but Kaiju sized =w=


Ooh, how about Super Megeon as a massive egg stuffed kaiju brood mother, laying the next generation of Megeons~?


Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid has plenty of girls that could fit the Kaiju theme of being fat destructive giantesses

Clark Nova

Here are a few random ideas! - Keiko as the 50ft woman... and not happy about it. - Katrina drinking the King-Size Canary jumbo gro formula and growing out of control. - Chifusa Manyū from Manyū Hiken-chō using her breast stealing ability to make her giant. - Pearl, being an ego-maniac using an ink pump to inflate herself giant.


Since giant monsters are so common in Japan some chubby school girls are going about their day while a monster is in the background A kaiju that’s on a date with her human gf. The giantess has the same attitude as bully Katrina An extra chubby Laila eating a city Megeon being a brat while being served food by the military A pop idol with a “large and in charge” who grows in size and weight the more popular she gets The changeling of Katrina having become a titan A perspective shot like this https://www.deviantart.com/darkmastern/art/Halloween-Martyr-6-859573314


All that comes to mind is one sentence "Sometimes the tiniest kaiju has the biggest appetite"


Maybe a some of your girls in different Kaiju costumes have a "battle of all monsters" eating contest? Or literally anything with mothra would be sweet. All hail the LÄMP

Alex Rodd

Two ideas come to my mind right now, both based onto the Kaiju girls comic: https://www.deviantart.com/kaijugirls/art/Kaiju-Girls-Team-Goji-775366903 First one, with the character from Slightly Above Average: Having the Kirls as Kaiju girls, as they duke out in a city. For this I would ask at least Keiko as Godzilla, and Laila a giant version of herself, both fighting, with Laila biding Keiko in inappropriate places as she tries to blast her. An maybe if it is not too much, Ayane Shizuka in her snake form (love it), or causing chaos around, and Naoko (would love to see more of her) as a shy Mothra trying to help Keiko. Second idea, basically an Eiken one, with either Kyoko having turned the girls into Kaiju girls with some experiment, or Filming a Kaiju movie, Eiken style: Kirika into Godzilla, Komoe in Mothra, and Chiharu into any of the assortment of Kaiju there are.


Actually, that commission idea I had for my doggo gal violently eating people in her giant wolf form could work well here. I can see it being a 2-part image, first showing her tearing into people as the beast, then the second part shows her back to her smol form with all that mass transferring to her human stomach. (Because this suggestion doesn’t have much to do with your characters, I’d be fine paying a fee for this idea to be made :3).


Alrighty then time for some Kaijune stuff: - Another entry in Ms shizuka Kaiju themed smut: "Oppaizilla: Queen of monstertits"; - The cast of Eizouken re imagined as classic Kaiju as they brainstorm their next animation project; - Kaiju girls (gijinkas or monstergirls) sumo match; - For a more horror oriented idea: Random civilians fleeing from an ever growing sentient mass of corpses and bones (basically https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/library-of-ruina/images/b/b3/MountainPhase1EnemySprite.png from Lobotomy corp and library of ruina= rampaging around a derelict factory

draco flame

k, got a couple. 1. mad cientist creates the perfect girl for him, which ends up being a dragon based kaiju with a fat ass. 2. the queen beast having absorbed all the grotesquires from drakengard and enjoying herself. 3. a kaiju that is the embodiment of fertility, which translates to a huge belly and other fertile features 4. a sloth/gluttony demoness with a huge apatite and who's ass is huge being mistaken as a islands patron and being worshiped. 5. a humanized mothra prepping for a metamorphizes and the subsequent form. that's all I got right now.


How about Megan getting super stuffed (like belly bigger than her body) only to then transform into Super Megeon and have waaay more room for food


"Breaking news! A gigantic cake golem is currently rampaging through the city; is there nothing that can stop this colossal confection?! We now go live on the scene with our reporters on the ground." "I don't know what to tell you John, but while you were addressing our audience, professional eater and part time demon hunter, Katrina Karin, has single-handedly saved the day! The demonic dessert was no match for this tubby tabby; lets go closer for a quick interview! So tell us Katrina, how are do you feel after vanquishing this gluten-free Godzilla?"

Killer Vossler

I got some ideas . 1. Super Megeon stuffeing herself after Kassandra Jezebaal used her powers on Megeon. 2. Katrina as the queen Kaiju having after eating the rest and enjoying herself. 3. Tanwen the kaiju tiddy sized lady after Kitten messed around with her spell with Tanwen getting her back at Kitten by turning her curse up into the embodiment of kaiju fertility, which translates to a kaiju belly, butt multiple breast and other fertile features. 4. Kassandra Jezebaal letting lose her own bottomless apatite and has become as islands sized who's being mistaken as a island with the patron on her starting to feel the effects of her power. 5. Beryl,Katrina, Super Megeon & Warranyn after fighting (eating) off the invasion off huge kaiju sweets.


hm...my birthday month eh~? xD lets see if i could do a good mix bag of serious and not.. Gypsy Danger going up to Godzilla/Kong/Mecha-G Serizawa's son reading a how to instruction manual for Mecha-G, while Ghidorah's spirit is smirking(because he kinda...somehow, don't ask how, made false instructions) Any of the Decepticons trying to recruit APEX into making more of them/mecha-g's. Zilla just getting wrecked by...well anything, it sucks, kill it how you will. Someone from the NIGHTMARE group/series accidentally wishing to sleep on a monsterous bed...and it's any out your kaiju-sized guys/girls....that or they just got warped onto Katrina's stomach after a monsterous bing xD nitros saying it'd be fun to be able to punch godzilla in the face, as he bumped into his foot, Godzilla just wondering why? xD Does Nitros commit? Does he feel like a dick for saying that with big-g right around the corner? Or does Kong show up agreeing with him? Perhaps as a tie-in to Daryl's 3rd idea...the inevitable Tsunami of dairy that'd result? Semi-Fleshy D20 Kaiju that's actions are determined by how it rolls itself xD Someone shoots it and the bein rolls a 1? their gun explodes in their hands...20? well that'll hurt..y'get the idea. Mecha-Godzilla family reunion? Kong and DK trading places for a day. Kong ends up in Smash, whereas DK suddenly has to figure out how to fight godzilla


Sorry for my silence for the past few months. I am still focused on my project, but this time I would like to try to suggest an idea of Kaiju, just to show that I am alive. X'D - A giant chubby slime girl, eats some citizens, while she fattens other citizens, to become a kind of obese and small replica of her, who will eat objects and buildings. An apocalysp of fat waifu slime. (The idea is crazy, but I like its. X'D)