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Etna bossed around the Prinnies one time too many. 


I know it's pretty cliche, but Etna still has a canonical love of sweets. So perhaps a failed attempt at obtaining a larger chest through fattening herself up?


Etna being forcefed by prinnies is always a good idea.


I’d like to see Beryl and Etna have an eating contest


Beryl and Etna are having an eating contest to see who can eat the most sweets. Beryl usually thinks Delinquents shouldn't over-indulge on sweets, however if they'll all go to waste otherwise, waste not want not.... 

It seems Etna's belittling the prinny chef however is causing him to retaliate and fill them to bursting with his ultimate attack! I hope they can take a few more hits, he has plenty of SP left still and they're looking tight!

Good luck girls!




VERY nice, good sir! Don't suppose there's any chance for a sequel where the contestants burst?


Thanks dood! Not at the moment, this month's stuff is all complete, I'm just posting it when I get time. But in the future when I inevitably do another Disgaea/Beryl themed suggestion, ya could suggest somethin like that :3