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Fat assed Katrina having gained even more weight from her last twerk off


She's Thiccer than ever, and still wobbling that butt. She just has a  lot more butt... and gut... to waddle around with. Honestly I dunno how  she got out there, It's gotta be hard to waddle! Then again some people  would be DYING to help her carry that tum around and film her  twerking.... I know I would....

I love drawing Katrina in this style, though I recycled some of it to use for Jellybean when I made her :3


A  sequel to the cheerleader picture from last year would be cool, maybe  she has gotten so fat she takes up the bleachers/stadium?


Katrina makes a wonderful Cheerleader! She's cute, and peppy, and her movements inspire everyone.

However....  maybe she shouldn't have offered to eat an entire pizza for every point  the team would score... Those after game pizza parties got a bit out of  hand pretty fast and well... she's still their biggest fan at least....

She's gotta be the bottom of the pyramid now though for sure...


Last  minute idea. Sapherith with Katrina doing whatever she would do if she  always had her mother’s size and appetite. I’m curious to see what would  change.


Sapherith  never gets boobs like she wants... But her tum and that booty have  certainly become gigantic. I'm sure all of the pressure and all of that  sensitive, taut flesh is making her way more horny than usual. She's a  masochist, so she loves pain and the discomfort of constantly stretching  and stuffing herself beyond her limit, and she finally beat out her  metabolism and ended up putting on quite a bit of weight!

Honestly  he said "If she always had her mother's size and appetite" but I've  thought of having her do this from time to time anyway since it fits her  character and she would DEFINITELY overindulge and push herself like  this sometimes, Especially since she can regenarate most of herself so  even if she pops, she'll recover... So maybe expect some occasional  silly, sexy, horny, Sapherith fats in the future XD.

Also this pose was originally for a Raspberyl pic but I never finished it... Maybe some day I will XD

A POV shot of Smol Kat tugging on the viewer's leash as she demands they give her feet some much needed "attention"


In  what is a combination of everything I'm known for almost, we have this  cute concept of a Domineering little Katrina, chubby with her big booty,  wanting someone to pamper her....

Chubby, Fat legs, big booty, cute feet, Bratty short stack? This is definitely like... a master list of things I do. XD

This  was another pic that I had conceptualized using Beryl (And without the  leash and stuff) from a similarly posed pic back for a Christmas thing I  did with her. But it fit Katrina and turned out super well. The  dominatrix hat seemed like a necessary addition with the rest of the  concept so now she's just a lil' dominatrix for some reason....

Very  out of character for her, but very fun to see... This could be a fun  character in an alternate universe or something... Honestly the concept  fits Jellybean a lot XD.

Tory Williams

I hope this can get a full color, but I am hoping for a “modern day” sequel to Big Happy Cat  Where we see the current size of Katrina, in the same pose, maybe now  her shirt reading I’m not pregnant, just fat. And to show her  progression, maybe she’s already happily chowing on an entire pie  instead of just a slice.


Saved this for last since it was a fun remake of an old pic... well... more of a sequel than just a remake...

Ya can't even see her arms anymore, She's too... soft. XD

This  was a good Katrina week! Sorry if ya didn't get picked. Even if ya get  in early I always pick the ones that resonate with me or are easiest so  sometimes unfortunately things get missed or turned down but I try to do  a good variety! Unfortunately if ya send me something after the initial  week of suggestions or after the first two days, they probably won't  even make the list unfortunately....

I hope ya had a great Katrina week! Make sure to comment on your favorites and let me know that ya want more like that!

How  would ya like a Katrina week all the time? Well something similar  anyway. If you follow me on Patreon for just $1 I do monthly prompts  where I give a subject and people give me their ideas, and just like  with Katrina week, I do requests! Sometimes ya may even get multiple  pics selected if you're lucky! The topic changes every month and  sometimes you can even be the one who designs characters or dictates  where characters and concepts go in the future!!


So if you're interested, it's only $1 a month!

Otherwise have a good one~ I'll see you all soon with some new stuff ta post, and some old Patreon pics I wanna share :3





Any idea what you might do next?

Tory Williams

I love the sequel picture I suggested! But I am a little big confused, why does Katrina sometimes have huge ears and sometimes she doesn’t?


That's just me trying some new things out. I have grown quite attached to her having bigger ears as it looks real cute on her, but sometimes I revert back to the normal size. I think I'll probably stick with the larger ears moving forward however.


I think I may do something Disgaea related for once since I'm super happy the mobile game finally came out in America~

Tory Williams

It’s crazy to think that’s her current size, I love that she’s so massive! But if I’m being honest, I love her classic look much more, as far as her ears, tail, tongue and face.


Yeah she's changed quite a bit over the years. The New Tail, tongue, and face are here to stay though. Her little stubby tail has been a staple of her design for years now, and her face hasn't changed a whole lot, just the way I draw faces has changed in general over the years as I've gotten better at things or changed my style.