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It is when they sing that creatures can become enraptured, getting lost in the melody and staying for hours, days, or weeks before the plants, occasionally being killed by the tree, or simply being a slave to the plant's whims or being tricked into the tree's hollow. If eaten, the fruit taste like flesh, though rotten and sickly, the flavor can be addicting, even if it will begin rotting you from the inside out. When damaged, the fruit will let out a scream, and others in the area will scream as well. This sonic wave is powerful enough to rupture ear drums and shatter teeth, hemorrhage brains and 

A sinister and ancient forest, with living trees, which feeds on all living things, animals and humans, as fertilizer and the sap of these trees would be red as blood.  

I love creepy trees! I was excited to do this one and got a bit carried away...

Have some variants too just with bits and pieces altered.


This is a Jubokko tree. Jubokko trees form when trees grow from the blood of humans, usually in areas where many people have been killed. These trees are often oak trees, though other kinds of trees can become Jubokko trees. In great wars, or in places where genocide occurs and bodies are piled up near forests or on areas where acorns have fallen to the ground, the corpses and blood feed and nourish the tree, and as it grows, it slowly begins to take on qualities from that person. The bones and flesh of the creatures weave their way into the bark and wood of the tree, pushing upward as the roots grow hand like, and the branches too seem like fingers. Deep, dark hollows form, some with teeth, and others with peering eyes, while mosses and lichens grow like hair from the morbid trees. 

They grow about twice as fast as normal oak trees, and creatures and animals that approach are often speared by the branches and their blood is drained as their corpses fuel the tree. Their roots can grab and trip creatures from beneath, and may even break through the foundation of a home and drag a creature within. Some creatures are drawn to the strange tree and climb into the hollows, never to be seen again. Occasionally skeletal forms and shadows can be seen at the base of the tree, and it can drive those around it to madness, calling for blood and violence at it's base as it has become filled with the violence of the past, the corruption of life. If creatures begin avoiding it, as animals often do, or if it has slain every living person in the area, they will make quick movements at night, the branches and roots moving and slithering slowly to a new location. On occasion, entire forests can spawn with these trees and the woods will slowly encroach on society, with many going missing in the woods.

Sometimes these trees are planted and cultivated by the Fae, and those that are can be claimed as Fairy trees, and are often implanted with life by Dryads or druids of some sort. The hollows of these trees often lead to the Nameless forest. It is said that the sap of these trees is blood red and drinking it can heal ailments or extend one's life....

Some of these trees however, grow no plant life, and appear as ancient and ashy oaks. It is thought that the dark hollows possess portals, gates to another time or place, and that a dark thing lurks within, ready to pull creatures within and drag them to another world. The fae avoid these dark, burnt out trees, as they are no longer natural and of the living world, but have grown from something wrong, something impossible and yet they still stand. Dryads, corrupted by the dark woods, will take shelter here, finding a horrified solace in the dark. These dark trees are known as Ashen Jubokko trees, and their sap will corrupt and drain your form, withering you into a black husk.

From Ashen Jubokko trees, can occasionally grow meat like fruit, a form of Mandragora known as an Osseus Mandragora. These grow in womb like fruits at first, pink and pear shaped, and are full of blood like small balloons initially as well as amniotic fluids and pulpy meat chunks. However over time they begin to develop a face and take a pear like shape as mouths form and they open them, hanging drooling with occasional "Hee" sounds emanating from them. When other sounds stimulate them, they tend to make the sounds more, and in the direction of the sounds made as if trying to gather attention. If a creature repeats the sound it may try to match their pitch, and the trees may begin to harmonize if enough of the fruit begin singing. 

It is when they sing that creatures can become enraptured, getting lost in the melody and staying for hours, days, or weeks before the plants, occasionally being killed by the tree, or simply being a slave to the plant's whims or being tricked into the tree's hollow. If eaten, the fruit taste like flesh, though rotten and sickly, the flavor can be addicting, even if it will begin rotting you from the inside out. When damaged, the fruit will let out a scream, and others in the area will scream as well. This sonic wave is powerful enough to rupture ear drums and shatter teeth, hemorrhage brains and burst blood vessels, killing creatures immediately. Enough screaming in unison can liquify a creature in an instant, or blow away their skin as if they were struck by a concussive force.

Osseus Mandragora that fall from the tree, can begin growing limbs and a body, and after a while take the shape of a large, hunched man like creature that can move about. They still make the same sounds, and tend to stay within the area of the tree, though venture out at night for miles to find prey, or kill a creature and then themselves to plant another tree with their seed like brain. They still possess the deadly scream, though only one is enough to destroy a human body with a single scream rather than a chorus, and a group of them singing can cause a massive blast that can be heard for miles around, possibly even sending shockwaves through the area. The Osseus Mandragora tend to mold, and decay after a short week or two, and will fall dead and plant it's self where it lies, turning into a disgusting black, ashy mold stinking of rotting flesh.

Dryads, also known as Huldra, are Fae creatures that tend to be connected to trees. Though usually Oak, they inhabit Ash, Pine, Poplar, fruit, and laurel trees as well. Dryads are always female, and are a kind of nymph. They are born from a particular kind of tree, and within that tree they reside, as their heart beats within, as do the rest of their organs with their body being mostly empty and very light.

Dryads can make contact with any tree and immediately transport themselves through the tree to another nearby, or even miles away, and can use it to shift themselves to the Nameless forest as well. Like all Fae, they are very strange and seemingly whimsical, but can be very dangerous to humans, and like all nymphs, they tend to possess supernatural beauty and some animal like qualities that are very alluring to other creatures and humanoids. They can speak with animals and plants, and control plants in the area to change forests around and alter the lay of the land slightly, and can also grow great fruits and plants from their trees that possess supernatural powers or can help ensure a long life, though taking things from a Dryad whom has not allowed you to, or even doing so from those whom may be a bit more mischievous may turn you into a tree or plant slowly.

Dryads can occasionally form from Jubokko trees, and they tend to be rather blood thirsty, however normally a Dryad simply is connected to a normal tree, however said tree has humanoid organs, veins, and a human heart pumping through it. Because of this the Dryad's body can always reform so long as the tree they are connected to is in tact, and no matter how much damage their body takes, they will regrow soon after, making them terrible adversaries. Some witches of the woods and even green hags possess similar abilities, making them difficult to hunt down. 

Dryads are split into two categories, the Chrysopeleia Dryads, which are the typical nymphs depicted here.

Eurydice Dryads, or Ashen maidens, sometimes known as Dryad Husks, are those whom died in the ashen wastes, whom have been taken and corrupted by the black trees and the weighted ash of the darkwoods. They eventually take on twisted forms like the Draugr, and often become shambling things, feasting on sin and becoming enraptured by the musings and sounds of the world as theirs is without sound.




Are those "Lol wut" pears growing on that tree?