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Darkmastern idea:  1- What is happening has a soul or a ghost, which becomes aware that it has not been able to have a body and can become worse things by shaping its old appearance. (Demon, eldritch or worse.)


Different kinds of ghost are cool, and I liked the idea of one that doesn't have a body and so it contorts it's self and twists what it's initial form looks like.

This is a Disembodied Ghost, or Disembodied Phantom. Sometimes simply known as the Disembodied. Disembodied are spirits of someone whom has died, usually a gruesome death, however they remain in denial for a very long time or they simply don't realize they're dead. These ghosts convince themselves that they're still alive, or simply wonder why those around them won't speak to them or interact with them. Some are simply in denial while sometimes children or those whom have died in a traumatic way in their sleep may not even be able to realize initially that they're a ghost. While many are freed from this state or are collected by a Shinigami, some are never collected and are left wherever they died or where their spirit was tethered the strongest.

As time passes, these ghosts can begin to appear to others, and even speak to them, and in time some can even appear to be living creatures, acting like normal people for large periods of time, though they usually inevitably vanish or phase through something and disappear, or sometimes their faces or bodies will contort in horrifying ways. Through these interactions they may learn of their death or be faced with undeniable proof that they are dead, which will usually cause a violent reaction. The Ghost may begin to twist and distort as it's body breaks down from the mental stress, and it becomes a distended and horrific shape, twisting and stretching, twirling and altering it's form as it screams and wails and often times gives chase. Ghosts whom were friendly who enter this state will no longer be friendly, and from then on will be contorted and ever shaping haunts that chase down those whom revealed the truth to it.

This may not always purely be from their own anger, as ghosts are intangible spirit entities made of emotion. Various forms of energy are drawn to them, and occasionally dark thoughts, violence, evil, or corruption within an area can get picked up by a ghost and corrupt them into something they were not previously, as well as dark thoughts stemming from their denial or perceived abandonment. Their forms will become tainted and strange, and even the most kind person in life may become a violent creature in death. Feeding on the emotional outrage from the horror they now cannot ignore, the Disembodied distort and change their forms to instill fear in others and attack their targets. Disembodied can interact with the living world, though some are far better at others, and it can be the difference between throwing books and appearing in photographs or appearing as a contorted physical form and being able to physically interact with the living.

These ghosts can be very dangerous, and can often hold doors shut, break the necks of those it can grab with a mysterious force, and the most powerful can even alter hallways and doors as well as your perception of reality. Many unconsciously want to kill you in the same way they were murdered, though some simply want to force you to stay. Every Disembodied tends to possess some sort of strange ability that plays a part in how it was slain. Those shot to death may be able to put holes in creatures or make them feel the pain of a gunshot, and those whom were burned to death may be able to cause hallucinations and illusions of fire that burn those whom believe them.

Some can return back to a placid ghost state after they are shown the truth, however in many cases this is only temporary and the ghost must be exorcised to allow it to find peace. In worst case scenarios, the ghost will take a host, possessing a creature, and assuming their identity. The emotions of the person possessed can keep the ghost at bay and make them normal at the cost of that person. They will often act strange, but can not always hold a single form and sometimes the body begins to rot. In situations like this the physical form can begin to deform and the ghost may begin acting out or becoming extremely violent again. Many creatures possessed in this way never recover from the ordeal and are killed with their spirit subsumed by the ghost....



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