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The Imp has been completed!

The last vote was for her name and you guys have picked Kasandra. Aka. Kas. 

She is an imp of Gluttony and Lust! This means that she is always horny, and possesses a super seductive creature. She loves eating and stuffing herself to the brim. She's ALWAYS hungry, and will be super seductive to get plenty of snacks. Because of this, though she's a demon of lust, she can be easily seduced through snacks and by stuffing her silly. She's known to eat other living creatures as well.

Her demonic powers allow her increase the calories of food around her as well as the hunger and stomach capacity, and thus make girls grow fatter as they eat way more than they usually would be able to. She'll often curse people with insatiable appetites and make them eat until they're fattened blobs or they pop. She can also increase the levels of sexual energy in those around her, by kissing or licking them, making them increasingly turned on. Any of the curses she strikes someone with also make the target extremely aroused and horny, often making them want to eat even more from the growing pressure. She can shapeshift into other humanoids she's seen, and also increase the size of her boobs, butt, and belly at any time.

She knows several spells other than her curses, such as the ability to release a mist from her mouth that causes others to be aroused. The mist contains pheromones that effect any living humanoid creature. And she can also summon large mouths that can eat things and transport the contents to any stomach she wishes, therefore allowing her to force feed creatures, or feed herself. Finally she can transform into a huge, sexy snake monster, or a colossal snake!

Here's a full color pic of her!! I can't wait to use her in the future! Thanks for piecing her together with me! Maybe we'll do it again sometime in the future! 




Kasandra looks pretty sexy! X3


Yay! I’m glad my name suggestion was the one that got chosen. I’m excited to see more of her in the future, who knows? Maybe we’ll get a month all about her some day


We definitely will! Plus she can now be included any time I do a month where I ask for pic ideas of girls from the Warranya crew!