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    Part  1 from a huge donation from Velcro Price. First up is Kat dressed like  Catwoman and sitting on a lil slime guy who seems to enjoy being a seat.

Thanks much for the donation dood!
There is no highest donor yet this week! Any amount could put you on top!

It's  that time of year again! The time of year when I do a fund raiser to  gather the money I'll need for art supplies for the rest of the year! 

Last  year with the money I raised, I was able to pay off a big chunk of my  student loan debt so thank you very much for aiding me in that! I even  used a bit to buy a new computer for my art because my old one recently  died. So all of this money will go towards me being able to bring you  all more art!


The Kat-Con Fund Raiser is a GOOOOOO!

Throughout  all of September, Katrina is touring different places across many  worlds to appear at conventions, events, and pretty much everywhere.  Katrina’s traveling to meet everyone and go everywhere. As usual  however, Kat’s fans and followers are always wanting to see how much  their favorite fat cat can eat, and always want to blimp her up to new  sizes! It's up to you guys to see to it that this trip destroys her  waistline and makes her the fattest cat girl to grace the planet!

Send  your Donations on Paypal to Slightlyaboveaveragecomic@gmail.com. Don't  forget to put "Donation Drive" as the title of your donation, as well as  your Deviantart ID and Patreon Name if you are there as well, so I can  properly credit you for your donation, or you can send me a message on Patreon or Deviantart to make sure I got your donation! 

For  every $1 I earn, Katrina will Eat 2 lbs. of food, and for every $60 I  raise, I'll post another picture of her having eaten that much food!  That means 120 lbs. of food consumed after each picture~

I will keep having Katrina eat and eat until the end of the month!!

The money raised on Patreon will be added to this fund raiser once it goes through and I get the entire total. 


Just  like in previous years, you have a chance to aid Katrina even more in  her snacking endeavors! Through the following amounts, you'll get some  special rewards.

*$60 donors: After  someone donates $60, I will do two things, First, I increase the amount  Katrina eats by 1 lb. per $1 raised (So if 3 people donate $60, Katrina  will be eating 5 lbs. of food per dollar raised so 300 lbs. of food per  picture). In addition, $60 donors will get to choose the pose Katrina  is in, what sort of outfit she's wearing, where she is and what she's  doing there (Convention, house visit, hotel, traveling, sight seeing,  Lunch time, ect... Just try to stick to the theme of her traveling to  places), and what kind of food she's eating for the image, and of course  they will be tagged in it and thanked for being so generous! When  making this donation, please remember that Katrina will begin to reach  enormous sizes, so keep that in mind for when you make a request for her  to be doing something. When making this donation, you must relay to me  the information for this within 2 days of your donation as this must  continue and I can’t sit and wait all day to get to work. Here's a  little form to fill out for your convenience!



Location and activity:


*$120 donors: If  you're willing to get a little crazy and donate $120, I will not only  be incredibly grateful, I will also increase the amount she eats by 3  lbs. per $1 raised for the rest of the fund raiser, and you will get to  choose the pose Katrina is in, what sort of outfit she's wearing, where  she is and what she's doing there (Convention, house visit, hotel,  traveling, sight seeing, Lunch time, ect... Just try to stick to the  theme of her traveling to places), and what kind of food she's eating  for the image, Finally, you or a character of your choice will also get a  special treat, and get to appear in one of these progression images  that are unlocked, appearing with Katrina, helping her to eat, hindering  her efforts, or pretty much doing anything (Within reason), alongside  the chubby cat girl. These will be somewhat limited, so if you plan to  do this, please message me here on Deviantart first in a note titled  "$120 donation" and we can work out the details before anything is sent!  

When making this donation, please remember that  Katrina will begin to reach enormous sizes, so keep that in mind for  when you make a request for her to be doing something. When making this  donation, you must relay to me the information for this within 2 days of  your donation. Here's a little form to fill out for your convenience!



Location and activity:


Additional Character:

*$180 donors: If  you donate $180, first of all, Jesus Christ thank you, and second of  all, I will increase the amount she eats by 5 lbs. per $1 raised for the  rest of the fund raiser, and you will get all of the perks listed  above. In addition, you will get to pick where Katrina's weight gain  will be focused for the 3 images you helped pay for. So if you're a  lover of huge breasts, you can choose to allocate all of the weight she  just gained to her already Humongous Hoots, or if you're a butt lover,  you can pad out her already bulging bottom~

Also  during September, on Every Sunday (Save for the 1st), I will post  whoever donated the most money that week. This person will be able to  choose the location, outfit, and food Katrina will be eating, and will  increase her growth. The increase is determined by adding 1 additional  lb. per $1 they donated, effectively doubling the amount she eats based  on how much they donated. Once it's all over, the people who donated the  most each time will also get to help me with making an image of Katrina  in the aftermath of eating so much, which will take place, most likely  early in the month after. This means there are 4 chances to donate the  most! If you are one of the highest donors, once you have secured your  slot (Listed below) I will send you a message detailing what will happen  and you can relay to me what you want the image to be. This must be  done within 30 days of me sending the message stating that you've won,  and detailing the information or your picture may not be able to be  completed.

During the first week, Those of you who  support me on patreon will have an added bonus as you will each be  treated as having donated whatever the full amount of money I earn on  there is (Currently around $100) for the purpose of being treated as the  ones who donated the most. This means that if you send $20 for the  donation drive, it will be added to a base of $100 for this first week,  meaning you would be treated as if you donated $120 for the purposes of  determining who donated the most. This is, once again, only for the  first week (the 1st-7th). Make sure to denote your patreon name along  with your donation so I can look you up to verify that it’s you.

September 8th: :iconotakucaboose:

September 15th: :iconquakee:

September 22nd: Velcro Price

September 29th:

Hopefully  we can get Katrina to all new massive sizes and have some crazy fun  with this. All of the proceeds will go towards trying to push my art  career forward, and paying for my computer that I just got because my  old one died!!

Finally, Last, but not least.  There is a challenge here that I'm gonna do as well! Last year I was  able to raise an absolutely INSANE $3000 for the fund raiser. So  if we beat that number this year, For the final pic I'll add last year's  total to this year's total to determine how much she eats for the  finale! And if you recall I did this last year as well, meaning the  previous year’s total is added as well and that means Katrina will gain  an extra 545,771 lbs! on top of whatever she gains now!!

Amount until next picture: $60
Number of Pictures: 36
Total Weight of food Eaten: 57,780 lbs.
Total Money Raised: $2,100
Amount Eaten Per Dollar: 55 lbs.
Amount Eaten Per Picture: 3,300 lbs. 
Katrina's Weight: 58,655 lbs.



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