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I was having trouble deciding what to do this August, but then I saw that apparently July 28th to August 4th was Shark Week, so that means....

Give me suggestions for my character Scarlett, my resident evil shark girl~

Also as a side note, Next month is September, meaning it's a whole month of Katrina stuffing as a part of my yearly fund raiser. So if you have any suggestions or ideas for that, send em my way.



For Scarlett: Just how much can she eat? And has she ever been mistaken for a whale after eating a ton


Scarlet and Laila are scarfing down albino penguin meat. Both are exaggeratedly morbidly obese and are enjoying each other’s company as they eat.


I would just love to see Scarlett, eat tons and tons of dead fish meat and massive amounts of whale blubber and just watch her become a massive mountain of Shark blubber! X3


I have...two ideas. First, perhaps as a continuation of sorts of https://www.deviantart.com/darkmastern/art/Scarlet-vs-Ten-655691217 , maybe have her making other attempts on Katrina, Ten..whomever. I mean Ten DID go on a date on a dock-looking restaurant...good ambush spot~ Going for a post-meal walk(or waddle in Meredin's case..them BAM! Or even her trying to eat Katrina after..wasn't there a picture you did not too long back of Katrina eating a whale? Maybe her trying to do a kinda Turdunken, of now going for Katrina..with something bigger going for Scarlet! That...or for a reallllll evil img, as a kinda 2-for one, Scarlett helps rescue orphans from a burning orphanage..and then as a follow up, we see a overly stuffed Scarlett, and a stack of children's cloths >:3

Clark Nova

Got 2 ideas: 1) Scarlett gets a job during a Shark Week special enacting a feeding frenzy, but keeps messing up the takes, needs to eat more and more for every take she messes up. 2) Bloating up due to a bad reaction to eating blowfish.


How about for Katrina’s stuffing September, what if she were to have some kind of stuffing journey across different worlds/realities


How about Katrina establishing her own convention, Katrina Kon. It was supposed to be a quaint really small vanity project, but quickly exploded into one of the biggest conventions ever overnight,however instead of hosting events and panels in a normal fashion, Katrina quickly finds out that every last attendee has one thought, feed her as much as possible, as Katrina has to outlast all her scheduled appearances