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The Queen Beast from Drakengard

Y'all thought you were safe from fetish art since the game came out 14 years ago. 

But not from me. 

Not from this guy who can successfully sexualize all sorts of cosmic horrors.

Not from the guy who suddenly remembers this weird, world eating creature because he watched a top 10 video on youtube and then searched for fetish art of her because she literally inflates from eating a world and wondered how NO ONE has done this....

I didn't even have TIME to do this. I shoulda been in bed an hour ago, but naww. The Idea was had and couldn't be stopped.

If you don't know who this is. It's the final boss from the PS2 game Drakengard.

She has an army of toothy babies.


And she does this.


And she has a wild Ahegao tongue




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