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After returning to the village, they found that some of the lizards had turned against their own people to join the serpent folk. Xilarial found that the Snake God Yig was behind this and was slowly turning her people against their god, and so she challenged their shaman to a fight. They battled and summoned an avatar of Yig, in the form of a Xacarba, an enormous snake with 3 necks but 1 head.

Xilarial found a deck of many things, a dangerous and random artifact, and offered it's legendary power to her god in the sacrificial burning pit in the center of her village which was to represent the maw of the feaster, and she too leaped into the pit, only to emerge consumed by flame and deific power. She battled the beast with her friends and slew it, and because of the power from the feaster coursing through her veins she was consumed by an unending hunger and began to devour the snake. She ate all of it, despite it being 5 times larger than she was, and then fell into a deep sleep where her body was transformed by her god. She had become a devour lord. A beast driven by gluttony whom could consume it's enemies and gain their powers for themselves. She became enormously fat, and became the new shaman and leader of her village, and appointed her brother as the head Chieftain. She was then informed by a village mystic that she was pregnant with Galward's child.

She has since left the village and traveled with her allies, now spreading her village's influence and has grown several new settlements as she works to consume the world in the worship of the mighty Feaster from the stars and consume all who oppose her.

Xilarial is a fun character. She speaks with a Russian accent and is quite silly but doesn't realize she is, she thinks she's always serious, and she's always hungry, even when she isn't.




Oh shit, it makes me think of the manga Re: monster, where the character has the ability to gain the power or ability of the enemies he eats. His final was just epic and especially his transformation to devour Lord. Oh, she has a Russian accent and she's stupid? XD I'm starting to believe that you like to create some kind of stupid or weird characters. XD


Man you've got great groups to be okay playing this kind of stuff


It's not so much that she's stupid, just that her culture takes everything seriously so she doesn't understand subtle things a lot of times. I do like weird characters though XD.


Sometimes you can take more fetishy stuff and make it more horror or fantasy themed and no one will notice it. But yeah, my groups are made of people who have known me for YEARS and all of us are pretty out there so we get all sorts of strange characters and stories going.