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Katrina week will be upon us next week, but that means that this week, you guys get to start things early! Send me any and all suggestions for Katrina pics and chances are something of yours will get drawn! Some of them even this week before I start the official events~ Sending multiple ideas gives me more to choose from if you can think of a few scenarios you'd like a pic of! Who knows, I may even draw a few of your suggestions!



It was always fun seeing the loli Katrina embrace her future gluttonous lifestyle. Maybe we spice that up with loli kitty Katrina being pampered and spoiled rotten like the little princess she is?


Continuation of the con series? She looked like she could fit in a few more “gifts”


I definitely want to see more of loli Katrina! X3

Clark Nova

Here is some ideas that I had floating in my head: 1) Is Katrina still dealing with the whole ghosts haunting her stomach thing? 2) This year she has been becoming more immobile than usual. How does she get around at different sizes? Carts? Harnesses? Magic to make her mobile or temporally slim down? Pumping her belly up with air to become lighter? Or, does everyone say 'screw it' and don't feed her till she looses enough weight to walk? 3) A progress calendar of her gains and losses during the last 12 months. 4) She seems popular in her world while she begrudgingly goes with it. Would like to see her in some classic pin up poses and outfits.


hm.... 1) like we joked before, a before/after deal of Katrina reacting to the Wreck-It-Ralph 2 trailer...see how EXPLODY BUNNY helps motivate her to keep slim'sh 2) Katrina in various career fields again, we seen her model, be a detective..how about now more jobs? Personal trainer(ha! xD), Fishmonger, Real-Estate Saleswoman, Matchmaker(hey, someone has to help her single friends(Ten >> xD) out right?, nearly anything could fit here...except maybe her growing waist-size 3) More past-moments. Granted this might admittidly be me trying to self-insert...again xD, but perhaps..Ten finally saying hi again? The first time I used him was during the library-interview series y'did awhile back, where he was just...on the ceiling and she just thought him another weirdo..so maybe that rough moment, or shortly after when she recognized who he is, and her reacting...however she'd react? That or akin to banana-slip revisited, just take another classic moment from way back when, and apply it to current Katrina...perhaps her exploding out the desk during Highschool? maybe now it'd be like..when she had to attend a PTA-meeting? Or some company having her stress-test new desk designs for them 4) as a kinda slightly more specific case for #3, maybe have Urth Fashion revisited, get a new look on the fashion-trends, or perhaps allow new models? Maybe even this could be a set, with designers prepping them behind stage, and then them on the cat-walk~. 5) The Huntress, Another outfit, Catastrpohic bath time, Easy answer to everything, Demon banishing, Heavy lifting. Did i go digging for a few old ones that'd be amusing to revisit? yes...yes I did...or did i happen to remember these!? Also kinda yes 6)Genberbend day~! For whatever reason, have a group of select members(katrina has to be atleast one obviously..it is her week) swapped to the other sex/gender~! Got a feeling Nitros would to busy groping himself to worry about whatever katrina is freaking about 7) more of Katrina going out with friends(like with Katrina Week 5 Drinks), perhaps not necessarily drinks, but a general girls/family/allthefriends day out somewhere 8) Teacher-Katrina~! I Remember you saying in past images and conversations that sometimes the members of NIGHTMARE teach classes at a academy for training future members..perhaps her doing a lesson for what she specializes in? Or another member/members/teacher/teachers dragging her into a lessona as a unwilling assistant..or the other way around? 9) Katrina Week II 25 RUN revisited. similar to other ideas, and like ya did with the banana slip-moment...this updated for current proportions. Maybe this time it's big enough for a gust to take Nitros flying off. Or perhaps this time someone was doing laundry, was trying to hang the bra to dry at the wrong time, and WIND~! This time Katrina running after them to save them/her bra, instead of out of rage? 10) Katrina entering our world!? Perhaps Katrina bumping into you visiting their world...or chewing you out, complaining about how big you made her(even though you could just kinda say it's still her own fault xD) 11) with Another outfit(way back in 2010...damn) you showed off Katrina in a Kill Bill-outfit as a alternative one for work...perhaps new outfits? Put her in a jeager-pilot's suit, or one of those fancy-smancy suits used to feel everything in Ready-Player-1...or her wondering if she could ever fit in the original again~?


1. Katrina in Snorlax (again) Who can not get into his pokeball that his trainer tries to get him back. 2. Katrina who tries to swim or eat a pool filled with jello, but is caught in the Jello. 3. Katrina in Doki Doki Literature. 4. Katrina disguise as Ellie from Borderlands 2 5. Katrina disguise as Toriel in Undertale. 6. Katrina who makes these start on Twitch and tries to start a career on it make some game streaming, but without realizing, after several streaming, she become popular only because of her weight, outfit, weight gain and of course, its attractive side. It will be interesting to see a little story. : 3 7. New experiences of Vikki. XD. 8. Katrina with a bellymouth who eats for her, while she does not want to. 9. Katrina and her influence on these girls about her weight. 10. The continuation of Katrina and her winter weight. 11. Katrina in mud bath or have her back massaged. 12. Katrina as a waitress hooter. 13. Katrina in a medieval universe, who have to complete quests, but each quest involves food and she is fattening at every XP point. It will be fun to see this in every situation, a new adventure, new weight and new armor. XD 14. Katrina VS Vishanni 15. Katrina invite into the kingdom of heaven to settle a story, but falls into a trap of the past and have to find a solution. Succeeded thanks to these powers and its weight. XP. 16. Katrina with the gloves of the Infinite and crushes Thanos from under her weight. XD. 17. Katrina who swims in the sea and is bigger than a whale. XD 18. Katrina doing a fashion show and looks serious, despite her weight. 19. Katrina in the universe of Mad Max (maybe a cameo of your two punk diesel character.) 20. Katrina gets help from her whole family to help her put on these clothes. 21. Katrina Loli embarassed by her jersey a little tight for the pool yard. 22. Katrina becomes the 8th wonder of the world and many tourists come to take a picture of it. 23. Katrina tries RV for the first time and plays games of her choice. 24. Katrina become Queen of the Uganda Knukles. XD. 25. Katrina uses these breasts to bring some for a comfortable ride. 26. Katrina Loli meets Beryl. 27. Katrina Loli surrounded by cute stuff. 28. Katrina in bad ass mode kills zombie in Katana. 29. Katrina prisoner of an indigenous tribe. 30. Katrina in Naga, while keeping her feline side.


dang, i remembered one just now! Katrina meeting the Meowscular Chef and his Palico-cook crew from Monster-Hunter World~! See if they could help her satisfy that monster appeitie for dem GAINS


I don’t really know how this works, but how about a close to bursting situation at an all you can eat buffet?

Robert Barbour

Katrina orders fast food, specifically 20 "Big Smokes"


What if Katrina had a Venom symbiote? That is something I would like to see. Maybe make her do things with it, like eat a lot of food or have her fight against Laila. Anything else you can think of is cool too.

Tory Williams

I would love a follow up with last year’s picture where we saw Remi and Katrina trade weights. How about this year they found out that they also inherited the other girl’s appetite and we see how much bigger they’ve both gotten from all the stuffing of the past year! Please have them discuss their eating habits, weight gains and actual weights as well~ Thank you!


I can't remember if you've done a pic like this before but what if Katrina was into fitness as she normally is into eating loads of food. She'd be so shredded!