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It's the return of the SWotFW challenges!

For these images, I'm going in order from smallest to largest when it comes to this belly stuffing.

This time on Seven Wonders of the Food World, we have the Jormungand Slurpent. A Ramen bowl so big it needs an entire swimming pool to contain it.

The Jormungand Slurpent is based off of the Jormungand Serpent from Norse Mythology. A serpent so large it can wrap it's self around the entire world and bite it's tail in it's mouth. Just as the serpent of legend, this meal is enormous and would be impossible for any normal human to complete and only a very powerful creature with a stomach of rubber could eat such a grandiose feast.

Here we have a new character. Her name is Vishanni and she is of a race of aliens known as the Deva. They came to Earth thousands of years ago and helped to form society and are an alien species that inspired the Gods of the Hindu Religion. She comes from a Dungeons and Dragons campaign a friend of mine ran. It was a future setting and we were all allowed to make our own race of alien to help the universe feel more expansive, and so I created the alien species I had dictated above. They are over 9 feet tall and have lizard like features and anywhere from 4 to 8 arms and are very strong.

Vishanni exists at a time when their species has been out of contact with Earth for a very long time, however the Deva are still very fond of the time they spent on Earth. As such she was raised learning of Earth culture and fell in love with America and it's vast consumerism. Raised to be very conservative and humble, America's brazen ways, and obsession with fast food and commercialism seduced her and she dreams of silly things like eating at McDonalds or going to Disney World. She became a cosmic transporter because of it and is thus basically a galactic truck driver. She's since enjoyed things like Taco Bell, and the other fast food places that have cropped up out in the galaxy, however she's never had it on Earth. She believes in Truth, Justice, and the American dream, and she believes that dream to be able to eat as many cheese burgers as you can physically fit into yourself.

However her dream was cut short when the evil Dictator Donald Trump built a "Space Wall" keeping all aliens off of Earth. It wasn't until her group of rag-tag friends helped to break through and free the boarders of the galaxy once more that she was able to follow her dreams~

She was a fun, strange character. As an American I know we have a lot of weird/stupid culture, especially for those who are far too patriotic, so I tried to have her obsess over the silliest aspects of our commercialized society, thus why her shirt is an American flag covered in hot dogs, AK-47's, and Strippers. The American Dream right there....

Anyway, here she is on the deck of a dining ship completing the challenge. She's reveling in "Chinese Food" and preparing to be able to eat everything at a fast food place. Her time on Earth will be murder on her waistline. But being fat is part of the consumerist American dream too so she'll probly enjoy it XD.




MY GOD, That's all a character. XD. Really fun and WTF his story. it's no doubt your most special character you've created and I love it ^^