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A food challenge existing at a restaurant that has history themed foods, and it's biggest challenge, Remember the Alamode. This Impossible Ice Cream Sundae is themed after the Battle of the Alamo, and as such it is Mexican Fried ice cream with over 2060 scoops of ice cream, one scoop for everyone thought to be in the battle, and drizzled with over 2 gallons of hot fudge. But it wouldn't be ala-mode without pie right? Just like it wouldn't be a battle without weapons! As such, using the highest estimates from the battle, there were thought to be 20 cannons in the Alamo, and as such there is a massive, 18 llb apple pie (The weight of the largest cannon ball fired from the cannon), and 20 slices of various pies to represent the 20 cannons.

This is supposed to be a task fit for at least 10 people, but that doesn't sound like something I'd do now does it?

This year we have that new character I shared a sketch of a while ago. She's a creature called a Vampudding, which is a vampiric creature that subsides on sugar and is EXTREMELY gluttonous. We all deliberated on names for her and I have decided to name her Candice Maltose. Candice is a very greedy vampudding, even by the standards of her own people. Most of them attempt to keep themselves relatively mobile and sleek so as to lure in people with high blood sugar or be able to do their normal duties and appear regal, however she throws caution to the wind and can't help but fully indulge in her sugary cravings to the point of almost bursting, stuffing herself until she's a fat little vampire blob, to which she needs to be drained of her sugar by other Vampuddings and start the process over again. 

I enjoy using new characters like this. I'm excited for some of the next ones to come~




Strongly more pictures of Candice to know even more. : 3


She'll have the consistency of pudding after this, methinks.