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Alright, I had disappeared for a bit on vacation but now that I'm back I'm ready to work on stuff.

Out of the previous suggestions I enjoyed Gizes idea of " I know I don't post here often, but I'd like to suggest some sort of follow up for Warranya? Instead of stuffing, could you show how they DEAL with all the weight they've put on?"

So I think I could do a few sketches and maybe a colored one of different super fat girls doing various things while trying to deal with said fatness. So I want suggestions!

What sort of things do you want to see super fat girls trying to do? Play video games? Get in a car? Any ideas are welcome, I'll probly do a few of them~



Oh great. I have plenty of ideas for several situations with obese girls. : 3 The first idea is that she tries to swim in a public pool, but she only swims on the spot because her belly touches the bottom of the pool. The second idea will be how it does to sleep with all that weight? The third idea will be that which tries to raise it from its bed. The fourth idea will be she trying to reach the meals on the table, but her belly creates the equart between the table and her. The fifth idea will be stuck in the shower, because the shower is not adapting to its new size. The sixth idea will be underneath it, with a umbrela, but the umbrela is not big enough for her and unfortunately wears a white shirt! The seventh idea will be she who relaxes on the beach. The eighth idea will be she who tries better than she can make a video of streaming on twich. The ninth idea will be her in the cinema with a gigantic format of a pack of popcorn. The tenth idea will be she who takes all the place in a subway. Let me know is you want more idea :333


trying yoga pants XD

Tory Williams

Have you ever considered making Katrina SO fat that she cannot eat anymore? Like to the point where her hands cannot reach her mouth at all somebody else has to stuff the eagerly hungry kitty kat~


Bathing usually comes to mind...or trying to towel off after bathing. Another fun idea is fitting in spaces that clearly are too small for them. Like revolving doors, or doors in general. Trying to drive and not being able to fit behind the wheel is another thought. Trying on clothes that clearly don't fit any more so they can try to buy clothes that do fit...or squeezing into clothes and getting to the store and finding nothing that can fit them.