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Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday!!!

As we’re closing in on the new year, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for supporting me these past 9 months as I grew as an artist as well as a content creator. Cliché as it may sound, I just didn’t think anyone would like my art, and for it to garner as much attention as it has – I’m so so grateful. My only life goal was to move people emotionally with my art and storytelling, and you all made it a reality.

I actually have you all to thank for Okami’s story evolving the way it has – it’s nothing like the first couple of drafts. Everyone’s comments and input shaped him into the menace that he is today LMAO. Your support has kept me going when hateful comments threatened to knock me out of the ring altogether. Not everyone is going to like my content, but that’s okay – plenty of lovely people like yourselves do, and that’s enough for me.

You all have made 2022 the best year of my life, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my cold, angst-hungry heart.

So! That being said - I’ll be taking a month hiatus in January to rest and recover.

Please let me know if you have already been charged for January, and I’ll refund you.

$5 Tiers – there won’t be a new January sticker, but you all will receive the Sleepy stickie within the coming weeks.

Have a happy and safe New Years, and I’ll see you in February for more toe-curling emotional damage!


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