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So, I mentioned on stream that there were several different versions of Okami's confession. 

One of them was pretty uh, awful to say the least.

The confession was going to happen in the BATHROOM LMFAO

Essentially, right after Deku calms Sleepwalker down until he lets go of Okami, the latter says that corny ass Avatar inspired line - "Can you see me now"

And Deku just... admits that he knew. The entire time. LOL

It didn't work for me because it would be way too cruel for Deku to know Okami's feelings and call him gross. Didn't feel very Izuku. 

Okami essentially threatens to leave, and Deku begs him for some time to think his feelings over. 

Honestly, I didn't want such a dramatic and heartfelt moment to happen IN MINAS BATHROOM so I decided that Deku would play dumb and the two would be at the Midoriya's apartment.

Also I LOVE the confessing while the other is asleep trope lmfaooooo



You def made the right call! That would’ve been way too much ❤️


Both a dramatic but I love your choice now I’m stuck with the anticipation of what Dekuis going to do or say the next time he see okami!!!🫠🫠🫠😫😫