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Tomorrow I'll be away until the 29th spending Christmas with my partner and family! This means I will be less active and not producing content as much until I am back home.

I'll be putting up the eroaudio poll today, lasting a week and hopefully get it finished when I am back! I also have New Years art lined up, gift art for my friends birthday, some art I wanna draw and a couple of commissions coming up for January time. I'll also be putting up the mini comic poll on January 1st ready for drawing in February time or so!

I'll also be working on my other general new years content such as the art progression and my good times post! I have a lot of fun ideas I want to get drawn next year and I'm so excited, I have eroaudio ideas too that I can't wait to get around to and would love to get some more time to animate too as I have a lot of ideas lined up there.

I'm also thinking about once I get finished with my comic patreon goal rewards to add another one for around $300 or so, but we'll see how things go until then!

I hope you all have a great Christmas and enjoy your New Year, thanks so much!



Damn you've got a lot lined up. I can't wait to see it all ^_^ I hope you enjoy your time off ❤️