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Hello, I'm going to be trying to opening and doing some commissions soon. I'll be opening up EVERYTHING from art, comic's, animation and voice acting! If any of this seems interesting to you, please feel free to shoot me a DM and let me know if you'd like one!

I'll be making a public post about my open commissions soon, but I thought I'd give my Patrons a head's up if you'd like to get an early slot on my list.

Art Commission Sheet  

Voice Acting Commission Sheet 

Feel free to have a read of these and let me know if you are interested in anything, and don't hesitate to ask any questions if you need to. Thanks so much!



Hi, It depends on what the collaboration is, but usually I do, yes! It’s usually on VA projects, but feel free to send me a DM if you want to discuss your idea more x

Dustin Thomas Hogan

Well, I do have one VA in mind. But do you charge?


Hi, like I said, it depends on what you have in mind for your project. I am usually happy to do free collaborations if I do not have to do a TON of work (example: I JUST provide the voices for a fun project that's not too long). If you're asking for me to do a lot of work like a fully original made erotic audio, but also collaborating with another VA you had in mind, this would be more of a commission project or a suggestion. I am fine to do commissions with myself and close VA's, but you would need to discuss it with all the VA's you had in mind and possibly be ready to pay all of their rates to initiate a complex project like that. I am fine to handle that all myself though if they are a VA who I am close with (Example: Shay-Ki Afterdark, Phoenix Erotic Audio, AmeliaVA, etc.)

Dustin Thomas Hogan

Ok. All I need is the voice acting. I can do the rest.


Okay! Well feel free to send me more of the details of your idea in DM's! x


I have never seen it. I only heard about it for the first time with the suggestion made last month x

Dustin Thomas Hogan

Well, my idea regards the main villain of the movie, Hexxus. The spirit of destruction and pollution.

Dustin Thomas Hogan

So basically, the listener is a human male who is pent up. Eventually, he stumbles across a physical manifestation of Hexxus' lust.


Sure! With collaborations like this the script would usually be written ready for recording. I’d just need a little extra help to understand the voice needed and personality of the character, along with your script you have x

Dustin Thomas Hogan

If you like, I can send you some links. Youtube for the voice and Villains Wiki for the info you need. Spund good?


Sure thing. Like I said though with collaborations it always depends on the project for me. It's totally up to you what you decide to do, but I'd prefer to look over the project before accepting something like this and know fully what to expect out of it, which is why I asked to discus in DM's since it's a bit easier to convey and clarify information like this. I would hate for you to go off and create a script and for me to end up turning you down, so just keep that in mind alright. Thanks so much! x