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I met my $100 Patreon goal at last, being one of my second goals met! For now I have A LOT of work lined up though, so I will try to go ahead with working on this reward in August or September. I'll make another post confirming the date for sure when I am ready to start working on it.

For more information on what I'll be working on when the time comes, you can read this post here to catch yourself back up!

I greatly appreciate the support and patience for this and I hope everyone will be alright with the fact I am quite new to animation still, and this will be my first longer movie form of it ever, but I'll try my best. When It comes closer to the time I'll start working on the project, I'll drop down some concept art, story boards and character designs along with a reminder on what and when I'll start.

Thank you so much everyone, I'm very nervous and equally as excited, I hope you are too!


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