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Thank you for all the feedback guys, I was very happy and grateful for the positive votes that you gave me for adding the new tiers. I have decided to add the new tiers and extra ones as well starting next month. I will be designing some icons and other things to overhaul the aesthetic of my Patreon too, I'll be going with a Monster Girl theme.

I also decided to go for the Vaulting route, where rewards will be monthly and go into a higher tier vault after a month. I wont be vaulting any of my old content until March 1st though so make sure you go back and find and save all the bonuses and such you'd like before that happens.

Below I'll describe the new tier's I'm going to be adding.

Tier 1: £1

Access to WIPs + Colour Test WIPs on release, Patreon Lens Updates, Patreon Progress Lens, Text Post Updates, Hentai  Media Reviews (New Reward Idea), Discord Access, Voting Poll Access (would make polls Patreon only for this)

Tier 2: £2

All of the above, NSFW Bonus Versions, Early Uploads, No Signature / Water Mark.

Tier 3: £5

All of the above, See finished comic pages early (future reward), Monthly Character Suggestions for Poll's, WIP GIF's, Art Tutorials (New Reward Idea)

Tier 4: £10

All of the above, access to the old POPG girls, Old Bonus Version content will be added to this vault tier after a month of being in Tier 2. Only recommend this tier if you missed an old bonus version that you want.

Tier 5: £50

All of the above, Commission Tier. This tier will be like buying a commission from me, if you stay monthly you will get one each month. You will get to pick anything you want excluding anything violating Patreon TOS and scat, etc. It does come with bonus versions. If you are worried about the rules on what I will and wont do PM me before buying the tier.

If you want to ask any questions or have any other recommendations / feedback to give me based on the changes, let me know. I'm very excited to try out something new with my Patreon after having it for 3 years and to give it a refurbishing, I hope you will enjoy it too, thank you!

Update: I will probably add tier 5 a little later on compared to the rest.

Update: I had to make some slight tier changes here and there but nothing too drastic.

Update: If a piece has no Bonus Versions it will probably be added to Tier 1 and moved to Tier 2 after a month instead.


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