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We have a tie! The Abrams Hunter-Killer/Engagement Speed short got 4 votes and so did the US Rifle Squad suppression short. So... I've flipped a coin and the Suppression Video won. That's up later today for Modern Monday. As an added bonus I guess this translates in a little emphasis on the Abrams.

World War Wednesday is more clear cut: the LMG42 vs the Universal Carrier has come out on top, so that's up this Wednesday and the Stuart Recce vs Panzer IIIM will follow up next week.

It'll be interesting to see how the non-Tank related tests do, considering that Youtube seems determined to hook me into the War Thunder audience and this is likely less up their alley.

On a practical note: 3 out of 4 of these shorts were made with the new editing software (Movie Studio 17), so I had to remake a lot of the format etc.

Finally, it's a Scottish Corridor bumper week: the final campaign mission, Fair and Square is hitting Youtube on Friday. Obviously that's already available here, but you guys are getting the bonus mission with the Americans taking a shot at the Road to Cheux.

So, plenty going on. I'm busy wokring on the next two Tournament Scenario Guides for Slitherine, so there might be a gap in Patreon releases coming up (trying to slip a War Room episode in there is like taking a break from writing two short essays to write a bigger one). I'd rather have something for you, but at the same time I've had to start using a spreadsheet to try and keep track of what's releasing where and when so closing the schedule gap is a bit of silver lining there.


Colby Simpson

Glad to see your channel has developed to such an extent that it requires a spreadsheet :D