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The winter turn-by-turn is almost upon us- Chap and I are about 1/3rd of the way through playing it and it should be ready to start coming out soon. I'm debating whether to release this intro video on YT now and then start the actual turn-by turn in a few days- I getting a little impatient to release something, but I also want to have a good reserve of turns to put out in case we get delayed. Either way I should probably coordinate with Chap, seen as though he's going to be releasing his own series.

This video is the introduction for the game, the multiplayer campaign concept explained, then deployment and first turn.

Things get a little tricky when including you guys in this- it's not a logistical problem to upload a video twice (once to Youtube and once to Vimeo)... it would be a massive pain to upload a whole series twice (60 uploads in total!). So I'm thinking about collecting the videos for Patreon together into blocks of, say, 10 at a time.

On the plus side, you guys can get to see them earlier than everyone else... on the downside, by the current rate a chunk of 10 turns equates to about 200 minutes of video, or more than 3 hours, which I certainly would not expect anyone to sit through. Maybe it would be more practical if I could add bookmarks, that's something to look into.

Either way, on the Paid Post side I'm obviously not going to charge per video for a 30 video series- I'll probably just do the first one and last one, something like that.

But enjoy! I think this series is going to be a lot of fun.





yknow, i am curious, why does your mic quality differ from regular videos, is it just using a headset in those vids and then an actual mic in regular ones?


Pretty much. Using the proper mic and the keyboard at same time is pretty awkward, and the keyboard is incredibly noisy, so the headset comes out for the unscripted stuff.