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A bit of tricky one to make a video out of, not least because it involves distilling 110 minutes of gameplay into 18 minutes of video. And because the battle essentially boiled down to "Find bad guys, stomp bad guys." Tactically effective, not tremendously interesting.

That said, there are things I could have probably done better.

I did manage to crack this out in three days though- finished the battle off early Monday morning, then somehow churned out the back half of the script, recorded and had it cut by Monday evening, before filming and slotting in the first half of the footage on Tuesday and the second half on Wednesday. So, a bit faster than usual.

In theory, that's left me loads of time to kick out a quick video relating to the JL28 Staffex... but I hit a wall scripting it yesterday and it didn't seem to work. I'll keep poking it today and see if I get anywhere.

As a back-up plan, I could do a straight playthrough of a new Baltic Shield variation. Fight Club have been crunching numbers and it seems like the CV90s are Blue's big damage dealer in the campaign, so to confirm that and provide some complementary data, they've made a version of the first mission where the Estonian Scouts have been replaced by a British armoured infantry platoon in Boxers.

Giving that a playthrough- even a realtime playthrough because I never do anything in realtime- could be a quick way to generate some content and stoke up some interest. We'll see.

Either way, next week I'm still teeing up on covering the T62 for the upcoming unit guide. IIRC, I have some notes from last year covering the basics. There's only four models, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

He said, full of foolish optimism.


Battle of Highway 3: CMSF2 Semper Fi Syria Mission 5



Cracked me up when I saw that briefing note: the supply situation is not as good as we would like it at the moment. Was the scenario designed by an ex-Marine? That's SOP for the Corps.

Nicholas Shaler

Two unrelated points: 1) It was great to see smoke get used and used well. It is an under appreciated asset, especially in the modern titles. 2) Your scouts seem to be taking disproportionate casualties. Is that intentional, it seems you could have used an infantry squad to scout the left, and what effect do you anticipate it will have on the campaign?


1) It did feel weird to use smoke instead of levelling things for a little while. I only used at the end though, once I was confident there were no lurking AT14s around. 2) That's kinda the job of scouts, right? There is a bit of a timing issue: using an infantry squad to scout the left would have involved waiting for the infantry, then passing th

Ray L

Excellent example of deliberate movement supported by fire.

Jack T

I know it’s a little late, but I played this mission several weeks ago and got my ass kicked by agtms, definitely should have used more smoke to my advantage like you did. Great video hapless keep up the good work, I look foward to the mission where you have to resuce the ambushed army cav unit


If it makes you feel better, the Syrian AT14s have thermal optics, so smoke wouldn't have helped. I put the smoke down more to screen against RPGs