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Nice and simple stuff, though you should probably watch GeorgeMC cover this for more detail: https://youtu.be/kweRlDZyQyk?si=B9ef_JLxedWMyEzs and https://youtu.be/OvVpQaByajI?si=g9Mi2puHNACpWWGP.

It's easier than it looks, but as always test! Test! Test!

In other news, the polls here and on YT to decide which route to take in the SF2 Marine campaign have come back with Route Eagle. So we're going to run up to the Syrian 5th Airborne and punch them in the face.

There was a bit of a SNAFU with the YT poll, but even accounting for me getting the choices mixed up, Route Eagle still came out on top. I'll be keeping a save anyway, so I can always go back and tackle the mountains later.

I still need to play through Mission 4 though: I've managed to get the intro/briefing done, so this is a little experiment in breaking up the video creation process. Usually I write the introduction of the script and my planning, play the mission, finish the script and then do all the video stuff. That can turn into a slog, so we'll see if a gap in the middle jazzes the process up.

Of course, the inevitable teaser:

 I've taken a look at totally stealing the FBCB2 UI for some extra authenticity, but it takes up a ridiculous amount of the screen and this format already makes the briefing a little on the small size.

Aside from that, a surprising amount of my week has been caught up with Fight Club's JL28 STAFFEX. We've gotten a metric ton of briefing material and an entire nation's worth of new systems to absorb... sitting at a screen staring in a kind of acronym abyss, I think it's going to be really important to stay tethered to the strategic and avoid getting lost in the details.

It's going to be fun though!

Moving on, hopefully I can get Semper Fi Syria IV: A New Operational Direction done over the weekend, which will give me time next week to get stuck into JL28, the next War Room episode and, of course, the stuff I'm working on for Slitherine.

Loads of content in the pipe!


Making a Simple AI Plan: Combat Mission Scenario Editor Part 5



I'm really enjoying this series! Please make this scenario available to us when you are all done with it!