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Hello everyone!

I know I haven't been communicating with you much lately to let you know how the updates are going!

A lot of work and fatigue with the only goal to deliver what you support me for quite quickly!

But I announce you that the new version of "The motel" is now available !

Please, maybe some of you are eager to have this new version but before you make a choice, I ask you to read the release note!

See link!

I don't know Adobe, but I will try to make a step by step help as clear and simple as possible to help you in the game !

I'm also going to take a week off, I really need to clear my head to get back on track!

I remain available every day on the discord, don't hesitate to write me if you have any problem or question !

Release date:

Big fan: today  CLIC HERE 

Entousiast: July 7 CLIC HERE 

Fan: July 14 CLIC HERE 

Participant: July 21 CLIC HERE 

Ps: In a while, I hope to make two release dates and not four!

Take care of yourself and the people you love !




Hello ! It's written on my homepage, the games are available from 2$ except some! Please read your subscription ! This update represents almost 350 hours of work! There are almost 10 games available! If tomorrow I leave the games at 1$, next month I close Patreon for bankruptcy ! I have lowered the price of subscriptions and shortened the release time, for now I can't do better! Thanks for your understanding! Take care of yourself

Iron fistico

I guess its my fault, I didn't read through the homepage. I just saw "the motel, update available" and thought I'll get to download the game right now for $1. It was a bit misleading.


I'm waiting for the 21st!