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General Esdeath is finally here! So thank you so much for being so patient. And sorry that it took me so long to finish it.

I really enjoy working with Esdeath, so I will definitely will be continuing this series. Just let me down in the comments if you would like to see the rest of Night Raid being dominated by Esdeath or the General should continue abusing Akame in the next part. :D

I hope you like it!

PS: If you didn't receive the links let me know!




I think it would be nice to see other members of Nightraid and Jaegers


I would love to see Leone being forced to watch Esdeath abusing Akame, it’d be awesome to see her losing hope while Night Raids best assassin is forced to lick the enemies dirty feet


I guess fort he Jaegers it could only be Seryu, since I think besides Kurome and Esdeath she was the only female member.


Esdeath asserting her superiority over Akame is my favorite part of this dynamic! Would love to see it even take a potential fatal turn like the first image in the series eluded to. Esdeath is quite merciless, after all~


So hot! Esdeath domination is the best! Being reassigned to the official foot cleaner is such a lovely idea~