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  • I’m okay with a price increase 120
  • I’m NOT okay with a price increase 42
  • 2024-05-26
  • 162 votes
{'title': 'PATREON UPDATE!', 'choices': [{'text': 'I’m okay with a price increase', 'votes': 120}, {'text': 'I’m NOT okay with a price increase', 'votes': 42}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 26, 12, 34, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 162}


Yo! I’m a little late but its been 2 years since I launched this Patreon 🎉, and the support it has received has been genuinely life changing so I can’t thank y’all enough. But with that I have felt the itch to make some additions and changes to the way this Patreon is run!

  • First off, I want to start diversifying the characters, and so polls are going to become far more frequent. Character polls, series/theme polls, comics polls etc. Every tier will have access to polls but voting power increases with each tier, so if you are in the higher tiers make sure to vote in every poll available to you!
  • Second, those in the $12 and above can make suggestion FOR the polls! There’ll be exclusive posts for $12+ members to comment their suggestions and given the suggestions aren’t hyper niche there’s a good chance for them to end up in the polls!
  • Third, concerning the VIP tier, due to popular demand I want to allow the opportunity for new people to join. The way it currently is set up means slots very rarely open up, and whilst I massively appreciate the continued support from those that have stuck around with the $20 tier I do think I oughta make some room for newcomers 😭.
  • Patreon annoyingly doesn’t have the most robust features in terms of allowing this so I will need to mull over how I should go about implementing it. I am considering allowing 2-3 consecutive months before a patron reaches their limit and a new slot opens up. I am also thinking of allowing a cooldown period so that those that want to rejoin the VIP tier can after a month or so. I will discuss this with all current VIP members and once I’ve decided on how to pull off this change I’ll make a more concise post detailing it to everyone.
  • Fourth! DISCORD! Planning to make a Discord, this will be used for community engagement, announcements, feedback and all other discordian activities. The potential is huge and will be arriving soon, I am diligently working on it as someone that isn’t well versed in Discord whatsoever 💀 Access will be available to every tier as well.
  • Fifth, this is a less concrete change that I have had rattling in my head and so it will be left entirely up to you guys. I have considered upping the $6 tier to $7, however I don’t want to implement this change if it ends up being prohibitive or seen as unreasonable. Below is the poll to vote on whether or not you’d be okay with that increase, be completely honest! If the majority sentiment is positive the change will take place in July.

And beyond this poll do give any and all feedback you may have in the comments, I’m receptive to it all and would like to hear your thoughts! Appreciate y’all massively and hope you all look forward to the art and comics I cook up ❤️



Thanks for asking for asking for opinions about these updates. All of this is very exciting as change is a constant in our world. I have only one thing I really want to say: The success of your discord server will boil down to just one thing: your participation in it. The more you are active in your server, the more active everyone else will be. Similarly, if you are not present in your server, then very few people will be. Too many popular artists have discord servers that are big empty ghost towns. Whenever people share memes, art, life updates, they are doing so because they want you to acknowledge it in some way. You are a very busy person already, so I hope you realize that your server is going to be more work for you if you decide to make it a thriving scene. The good news is that servers are fun! As the server owner, you’ll get to enjoy a community that is made up of your biggest supporters who have your back. You’ve probably already done this, but I recommend that you talk with your peers who have servers and solicit their feedback about how they run things. The buck stops with you, and your server has the potential to be whatever you want to be. I wish you the best of luck! See you and everyone else there. 🥂


I remember having to wait for an open slot in VIP and I can imagine it's the same way for others. I think it's a good change to allow for a rotation, so that new supporters can experience the benefits. I'm all for allowing others the same experience. Good on you Opal. ♥️


Appreciate the advice bro thank you 🙏❤️ Defo plan on being active in the Discord